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    Haven't bought Cathe since Intenisty Series and now...

    I am trying to figure out what to get. I recently lost 50 lbs and have about 10 more to go. I have a lot of fat hanging around and am doing LGI8. Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I should purchase next. Can't really do IMAX's anymore but can do the circuits and kickbxoing...
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    O/T-Jamaica Resorts-Sandals vs. Couples

    Following on another thread my husnad and I are looking to go to KAmaica in December and was wondering if there is anyome out there who have been to bothe Sandals and Couples and which one you prefer and why. Thnaks everyone! Debbi
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    CTX for BFL?

    Gang, Has anyone used the CTX cardio portion of the series for the 20 minute interval workout for BFL? Just curious. Thanks and HAPPY EASTER! Debbi
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    Tired all the time

    Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has gone through a phase of always being tired. This started about 4 months ago for me. I am 47, about 20 puond overweight which I put on over the last year. My eating habits were bad but I am now doing WW and starting a CTX routine. I work out in the AM...
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    Attn SNM-question about High Stepper

    I am wondering if the stepper top will work with the purple risers from the original step. Thanks ! Debbi
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    Riser Question

    Hi All, Does anyone know if you can use the High Step topper with the risers from the original step (the pink risers)? Thanks! Debbi
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    Riser Question

    Hi All, Does anyone know if you can use the High Step topper with the risers from the original step (the pink risers)? Thanks! Debbi
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    Upper Body Pyramid

    Donna, How about the same rundown for Lower Body pyramid? Thanks, Debbi
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    Question for Maribeth-Workout for an Endo

    MAribeth, I guess I could put on muscle pretty easy if I am good with eating and could lose the layer of fat I have. I have noticed that if I incorporate more cardio into my workouts I lose the fat but don't get the muscle definition I like. MAybe I need more cross training? I went on a running...
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    A reminder please

    Since I started this string just wanted to wanted to also apologize and sa I will also keep the questions on the Open Forum! Debbi
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    Question for Maribeth-Workout for an Endo

    Thanks Maribeth!! I am going to try this and will let you know how it goes. Can't wait to see what the RMR turns out to be. I posted in the Open Discussion also per Cathe's reminder so you don't have to answer there. Thanks again and have a great weekend!!! Debbi
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    Question for Maribeth-Workout for an Endo

    Hi Maribeth, On another thread you addressed fast and slow twitch fibers and recommended workouts for different body types. I was wondering if you could suggest something for me based on the following information: I am 5'4 weigh 135 and carry most of my fat in the middle. I am defiantely an...
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    Question for Maribeth-Workout for an Endo

    Bumping for MAribeth
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    Taking a Break

    Thanks everyone! I am going to take the break and just watch my eating and have fun!! I appreciate everyone's quick response. Debbi
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    Taking a Break

    Hi Cathe and educated crowd. I usually lurk but wanted the opinions of the experienced exercisers. Do you all take a break from working out during the year? I have never really taken a break except when forced to when sick. My DH and I are going to St. Lucia at the end of the year to renew our...
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    Question for Maribeth-Workout for an Endo

    Thanks so much for responding Maribeth! I am 45 years old and have always had to watch my weight. I would like to lose the fat around my middle and thighs and basically get lean and defined. I have been doing WW but have not stuck to the program to the tee the last 4-6 weeks. I lost an initial...
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    Birth Control Pills and weight gain

    Jackie, I have been using Yasmin for 3 months with no weight gain. My periods have been much lighter and PMS much less intense. I would highly recommend it. I have had no side effects. Let me know if you have any questions. Debbi
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    New Multi Vitamin that seems to give me energy

    RE: 6th. day update... Honeybunch, I just went out and bought these based on this thread. Quick question: I work out first thing in the AM and just have a 1/2 glass of OJ with water as MAribeth suggested. Do you think I could take 2 pills with the OJ and then the other 2 with lunch? (I always...