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  1. R

    Motivation Post Baby

    Thanks for responding! I'm getting back into my groove slowly, but I'm getting there! I know I just need to be consistent for a few weeks, then I'll want to keep exercising. Good luck with your routine too! Ronni
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    Motivation Post Baby

    Susan, Congratulations on your baby and other children! I have actually been fitting my workout in here in there this week. I managed to get out of bed and workout with my husband on Tuesday, but now Maddie seems to know when we are up and doing something without her, so she is waking up...
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    Please suggest a rotation for fat loss, cardio endurance, definition

    Cathe, Thank you for responding to my question. I've been trying to alternate weight training with cardio, every other day. I finally did the entire MIS tape (over 2 days), what a workout! I'm looking forward to more of your tapes in the future! Ronni
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    Motivation Post Baby

    Hello! Wow! Thanks to all who have offered support! I am attempting my am workout tomorrow! I will use this support, along with my husband physically dragging me from the bed, to get me up and moving tomorrow at 5:30 am!!! My husband is wonderful! He is willing to get up early to help...
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    Motivation Post Baby

    Hello everybody! Thank you for responding so quickly to my post! I have thought of getting up early to workout, the problem is that I'm SO exhausted that I have not made myself do this yet. I have had the intention, just haven't followed through yet. I am going to try the am thing once...
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    Motivation Post Baby

    Hello! I am a new mom (Maddie is now 6months) who is having a very difficult time motivating herself to workout regularly!!! Even though I know that I will look and feel sooooo much better once I begin to exercise regularly! I used to be in much better shape! I used to do the FIRM faithfully...
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    Please suggest a rotation for fat loss, cardio endurance, definition

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-01 AT 11:32PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-01 AT 11:30 PM (Est) Cathe, Thank you for responding to my previous question regarding tension in my neck during workouts. As I said before, I have your PS series, IMAX and MIS tapes. I'm impressed by the intensity of the...
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    Advice on form for PS/MIS

    Cathe, Thank you for responding to my question! I will incorporate the additional stretches into my routine! Ronni
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    Advice on form for PS/MIS

    I recently purchased PS series, MIS and IMAX. I am working my way through the PS and MIS tapes gradually. My problem is sorness in my neck while doing exercises involving a barbell. What am I doing wrong? My shoulders also get stiff. I do the between set stretches, but sometimes I have to...
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    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    Hey Starlight, How do you add the animated frogs and happy face icons???? I need to increase my computerized skills! Ronni
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    cardio for fat loss

    Jane, Thank you for your input! I'm trying to eliminate fat ASAP! I'm going to continue working up to completing IMAX! I'm also going to be riding my bike outdoors, hiking, etc, so hopefully I'll see some results soon! Ronni
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    cardio for fat loss

    Hello! I ordered IMAX as a cardio choice from Cathe. I also have PS series and MIS and almost all of the firm series. My question is.....If I am only able to do about 30 mins of the IMAX, is that enough cardio to lose fat? I am a new mom, so I am limited on time to workout (30-60...
  13. R

    Rotation to Lose Fat and Define Muscles

    Thank you for the response! Congratulations on your baby! Did you have a boy or a girl? My daughter's name is Madison Leigh and she will be 6 months at the end of June! Time has flown! Have these tapes helped you to lose any post-baby pounds you may have had? If so, which do you use? I...
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    Rotation to Lose Fat and Define Muscles

    Cathe, Hello. I am new to your tapes. I have been a happy FIRM user for a few years, but I am looking for something new to give me definition and fat loss. I had noticeable improvement with the FIRM, but no defintion. I am a new mom, my daughter will be 6 months old at the end of June...
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    Help! Which 5 videos should I choose to get me started?

    Thanks for the suggestion! My tapes should arrive tomorrow, so I'll get started then! I'll try your rotation and let you know! Thank you again! Ronni
  16. R

    Help! Which 5 videos should I choose to get me started?

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-01 AT 03:07PM (Est)[p]Hello! I have the FIRM vols. 1-6, Tortise/Hare, Cardio/Strength, Legs, Tough Tape, Kathy Smith Time Savers and Lift Weights to Lose Weight. I can alternate any of these with the Cathe tapes. As far as Cathe tapes go, I ordered MIS, PS series and...
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    Advice For A New Mom New To Your Workouts!

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-01 AT 08:07PM (Est)[p]Thanks to everyone for responding. I appreciate any suggestions to improve coordination. I'll add more complex tapes to my collection after I have gotten used to the five I just ordered. I ordered the PS series, MIS and IMAX. My tapes should arrive...
  18. R

    Help! Which 5 videos should I choose to get me started?

    I would like to thank everyone for their input. I have decided to go with the Pure Strength series, MIS and IMax. I hope to begin using them 5 days per week. Any suggestions for segments/rotations to use to get started would be greatly appreciated! Thank you again! Ronni
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    Advice For A New Mom New To Your Workouts!

    Thank you for your input! I think the choreography in Step Fit may be too much for me. I'm VERY uncoordinated. I think I will stick with the IMax and just work my way up. I'll let you know how it goes! Ronni
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    Advice For A New Mom New To Your Workouts!

    Cathe, Hello,my name is Ronni and I am a new mom (my daughter is 5 months old). I used to do the FIRM 5-6 days per week apporximately 1 year ago. I have recently begun to ease my way back into working out. I have been using the FIRM 3-4 days per week for a few weeks now, but I am not...