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  1. S

    O/T rosacea

    Just my two cents. The antibiotics and topicals never worked for me but the informercial product "Proactiv" did. I have used it for about 2 yrs. now and my face looks as good as it can...I will never have a radiant complexion, but it is even now and my nose is especially better. Check it out...
  2. S

    Vote for Cathe..

    One more big vote for Cathe. She rocks.
  3. S

    Suggestion needed

    Hi Cathe and all. I have finally ordered and received the express vidoes. Too fun. I am sore. I love it! My question: I am really feeling a good soreness in my arms; I would described it as the point where my medial delt would meet my tri/bi area? Better description would be where Cathe...
  4. S

    Silencing the critics!

    I agree! My toughest workouts have been at home the last 4 years with Cathe and occasionally the Firm. Its all what you make of it. I wouldn't join a gym now. I have all my equipment, with MY sweat, set up how I want, in My house and my workout friends are always smiling back at me and seem...
  5. S

    Aerobic Weight Training

    Another Firm user. The Firm was responsible for helping me lose 25 lbs and firm up nicely. I am a very big fan. I was using strictly Firms for about 3 years. I heavied up on their strength tapes and liked the 4 limbed format. But, I got to the point of needing more of a challenge. I heard...
  6. S

    The best workouts I have ever had.....

    Hi Cathe and all: Just a big thank you for your terrific tapes, teaching and business. I have worked out for years (OK...I took a 5 year break and am still paying for it...)and used to teach also. I am a fan of The Firm (still) but needed something a bit more challenging in cardio. I ordered...