Search results

  1. H

    3 weeks late, but what is going on?

    Hi Everyone, I had my IUD removed on September 17th. I am now 7 days late. I have taken 3 tests and all negative. I keep crying and feeling like I am going to start any second. The nurse made me feel as if I were crazy! I got the impression from her that if the home pregnancy tests were...
  2. H

    Bodybuilding Competition

    Aimee, I did my first fitness show in April of this year. You can do it! I tried fitness first, but decided to do bodybuiding for my next show. I believe it will fit my personality better. Tips Don't compare yourself to others! (silly I know it is a competition)! Just by getting on stage...
  3. H

    Choreography ? Video guests! Instructor ?'s

    Hi! I would love it Cathe if you would make a video for instructors! I am also an instructor and have enjoyed your videos for 6 years now! I think you would get a huge response from us instructors out here!