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  1. B

    Music in Power Hour

    I'm thinking of ordering Power Hour but I hae a lot of trouble getting and staying motivated for strength training. Music helps out a lot though and I've heard a lot about the great music on Power Hour. Can anyone compare it to other videos? I really like the music on Rhythmic Step, MIC...
  2. B

    DVD Classics ?

    Thanks! Guess I'll place may video order. If there's no release date yet, I should have plenty of time to get a lot of use out of the videos before I replace them a DVD.
  3. B

    Another DVD problem

    So was it all email or did you also call? I'm normally in the UK but I'll be home in the States for Christmas soon and could call. >I had a DVD glitch and >e-mailed SNM customer service directly. > They were very, very, >very, ( DID I SAY >VERY) helpful. Chris helped me >go into my DVD...
  4. B

    Another DVD problem

    My Rhythmic Step DVD works fine on my DVD player but for some reason doesn't register at all on my laptop DVD. All my other DVDs (including SNM) work fine on the laptop and that's how I stay in shape when traveling. But my laptop doesn't even recognize that a DVD in the drive when it's...
  5. B

    DVD Classics ?

    Hi Cathe, Any idea when you'll have the older step videos out on DVD?? I think I have every step workout currently on DVD but I want more!! Even though DVDs have made me loathe videos, I might spring for some of the oleder ones anyway if it's going to be a long wait for the DVD. Your...
  6. B

    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    RE: What if you only have 10 pounds to lose I joined WW at home when I only wanted to lose ten pounds. No meetings, no pressure. At the same time, I started doing Cathe again. The combination worked so well that I lost 22 pounds and can fit into clothes I haven't been able to wear in years...