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  1. W

    One area needs help.

    Dear Cathe, My body is in the best sculpted shape of my life thanks to you! I have one area at the top of my thighs that still has a layer of loose skin and untone muscle. Please advise me on what I can do to get this area as sculpted as the rest of my body. My current program consists of...
  2. W

    Where to start?

    Thank you again. Lisa
  3. W

    Where to start?

    You are too kind to reply so promptly, and on a holiday weekend to boot. I am asking about the cardio... I feel I have the weights down well. Thank You, Lisa
  4. W

    Where to start?

    Cathe, I really love you Slow and Heavy series and have seen outstanding results. I also own your Pure Strengh series, Power Hour, MIS, and Leaner Legs. I would like your input on which of your videos would be a good starting point for someone who loves the weight workouts, but is not very...