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  1. V

    Music in S&H and Power Hour

    I loved the music for the shoulder section the best! Just wanted to add that here!
  2. V

    Slow and heavy woes.......

    How come nobody ever suggest going to the doctor?
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    I'm being rude, please excuse me Cathe!

    I never weigh myself, or my food, either! I lost 15 pounds last year. I didn't go on any diets or read any diet books. I just increased my activity, both cardio and weights. I stepped up both a notch actually, thanks to Cathe's tapes!
  4. V

    new firm video set

    This thread cracked me up!
  5. V

    Slow and Heavy Workout

    I'm thinking about ordering this set. I know the set counts as only 1 item towards the quantity discounts, but does it count as 1 item for shipping? thanks, I was thinking of sending in a check, rather than adding to the credit card. :)