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  1. H

    Incorrect shipment and poor customer service

    I just called the 1-800-433-7838 number that appeared on my invoice and the gentleman who answered the phone was very unhelpful. He said he doesn't have the customer service number??? I preordered the Body Blast DVDs but received two Timesavers in lieu of four separate DVDs. In...
  2. H

    Sunless tanners....

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-02 AT 10:01AM (Est)[p]I always use sunless tanners and have had great luck. Check out - great site with loads of info. Make sure you exfoliate well beforehand! A lot of streaks happen this way. I use a washcloth. Another tip is to use rubber...
  3. H

    Poll: which is tougher - Leaner Legs, PS Strong Legs, or S&H Legs?

    RE: Poll: which is toughest - Leaner Legs, PS Strong Legs, or S&H Legs? Thanks for the responses and the link. Wow - a body bar and a leg weight - my new goal! -Holly
  4. H

    ? about step height

    Well, maybe I'm not as advanced as I *think* I am! :-) However, I do step with a LOT of intensity - I get lots of air on power moves. I have to climb flights and flights of stairs every day commuting to and at grad school, and I never get winded. As everyone else has said though, give...
  5. H

    Poll: which is tougher - Leaner Legs, PS Strong Legs, or S&H Legs?

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-02 AT 08:56PM (Est)[p]Doh! The subject should be toughest, not tougher since I listed more than two. <slaps forehead> I haven't done S&H, but I'm curious what you all think about which workout is "toughest". The real answer is probably "they're all tough"! but IMHO...
  6. H

    ? about step height

    A vote for shorter!! I leave my step at 4". I'm 5'2", with a small frame. I like my step shorter because I feel more secure with trickier moves - like riccochets and over and backs. Eventually I'll move it up to 6", but I find that with 4" I can get a great workout by putting in more power...
  7. H


    Hi, delurking here! I love Cathe and just started with her videos a month ago doing MIS, BodyMax, stepJam and the PS Series. Now I have all the DVD's (thank you Easter bunny!)! I would **love** to have the rotations - pretty please? Thanks so much! e-mail: [email protected]