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  1. F

    Finding time to exercise

    "Make the time. Carve it out, set it aside and make it sacred." You said it perfectly. Sometimes my workouts happen after all the kids are asleep, sometimes I sneak a workout in before the workday begins. If it's a particularly difficult week with respect to work hours and night call, then...
  2. F

    Transformation Challenge Update 5/19

    (I'm sending good luck vibes your way Robyn!)
  3. F

    Transformation Challenge Update 5/19

    Absolutely you need to keep this going! You'll acquire newcomers with time. I just wanted to formally say my goodbyes because I'm streamlining this unorganized life of mine! ((((Challengers)))):D
  4. F

    Transformation Challenge Update 5/19

    Hi Bita, Perhaps this link will help. I look forward to seeing you at the check-in!
  5. F

    Transformation Challenge Update 5/19

    Hey there challengers. I don't see a post today. I've been double posting at both the ya ya check-in and our check-in for a year and a half! I'm going to try and simplify my life by checking in at one place. So I am formally "bowing out" of this challenge. I invite you to the ya ya site...
  6. F

    Transformation Challenge 5/12-5/18

    DOH, here I go replying to myself.:P After running kids to soccer and baseball, I got them to bed and did my late night rendition of Cardio Kicks. Off to bed!:D
  7. F

    Transformation Challenge 5/12-5/18

    Hello:D Today's workout was Pyramid Lower Body. Little story: Today while walking through the store, the 3 year old heard me say "this is really frustrating". He said, "do you know what to do when you are frustrated?" (He learned this from Blue's Clues) "First you stop, then you take...
  8. F

    Transformation Challenge 5/12-5/18

    Hi!:D Just finished a 75 minute roller-blading workout at Liberty Park. Beautiful 75 degree day. Tonight I'll do Pyramid Upper Body while I watch American Idol. Have a great day all. Must run . . . :D
  9. F

    Transformation Challenge 5/12-5/18

    Oh, the horrors! THE HORRORS! Yard work for 8 hours. My hands ache, my back aches, my whole ole' body aches. I even rented a *%&$# tiller for the garden. I can't move. I'm pooped. That's my workout for the day.;) (American Idol tonight! Wahooo. Gonna tape it on TIVO so I can watch sans...
  10. F

    Transformation Challenge 5/12-5/18

    ((((Hugs to Juli)))) Perhaps our topic this week should be enjoying the present. Today's workout was Muscle Endurance. Got three cavities fille - blech - I'm going to floss better! Take care.:)
  11. F


    RE: HI Hello!:D (Bita, that sounds lovely!) I got breakfast in bed, some cd's and a new DVD burner! I'm really excited about tranferring my old workouts on VHS to DVD. It has chaptering capability - so that's fun. DH was on call today but managed to make it home briefly for dinner...
  12. F


    HI I did Boot Camp today. Just had a great couples dinner with my two best girlfriends. (Six adults and no kids - WAHOOOO!) I can't move from eating so much - but c'est la vie!:D FS - A cookout! Wow - summer is really coming, isn't it!?!
  13. F


    Hey lovies! Good Day! Today’s workout is Shape it Up from the Slim Series. I’ll let you know how it goes. Janice, I hope everything turns out well for your FIL. I don’t have any of the new FIRMs, I should look into those – especially if they’re on DVD. FS, It’s great to hear from...
  14. F


    Hey lovies! Good Day! Today’s workout is Shape it Up from the Slim Series. I’ll let you know how it goes. Janice, I hope everything turns out well for your FIL. I don’t have any of the new FIRMs, I should look into those – especially if they’re on DVD. FS, It’s great to hear from...
  15. F


    Good Day! What a busy week. Lot's of call, rounding with the residents, teaching the medical students, research meetings and after three hours of sleep last night - Cardio and Weights today. I'm getting to old for this. I mean it. I've got to cut back because I just don't have the energy...
  16. F


    LOL Gloria! Sounds like something I have to do at my home.;)
  17. F


    Thanks for the uplifting topic Bita!:D I woke this morning with a song in my heart because I could hear my two youngest sons laughing in the bedroom. They were hiding under the covers - giggling like madmen. I heard them laugh before the alarm, which is a great way to start the day...
  18. F


    RE: Fitdoc & Bita! I got the workout in! (My family was on my last nerve }( until the workout was over. The endorphins did their job though - and all is right with the world.:7) I did Pyramid Lower Body and then 10-10-10 from CTX. My CTX "effort" was amusing - my legs were so...
  19. F


    Yeah! Otisan is back in action! (You’re trip sounds muy fabulous.):D Today is a loooong day at work. No workout to report. Debbie, ditto what Bita told you about Slim Series. Just looking at the instructor’s physique – the series yields a long lean dancer type body. The workouts...
  20. F


    Hey everybody! Today I did Pyramid Upper Body and Kickbox from CTX (I had forgotten how fun that one is). Juli, I love hearing about you and your DH enjoying Volume 1 together! Gloria, Josh is waaaaay out of his league right now. I think you are right on the money, voters thought...