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  1. F

    Physique Transformation? Does it work?

    Hi, Cari! I just wanted to let you know that my friend (user name Kotacam) who replied to your post is a true testament that this plan works! I was lucky enough to meet her through this forum and we email regularly and meet once in a while to chat. Well, we met last night and I had not...
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    For Donna (getnfit@39)

    Hi, Donna! I have a question about the challenge you are starting on the Video Fitness site...would you please email me? I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance! :) My email is: [email protected] Denise
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    Wig or GI-Jane Look? What to do?!

    Hi, Annette! I would say go for the buzz cut because like many of the other ladies here have said, it is clear that you have lots of confidence in yourself. It would suit your personality! I would admire a woman who had that GI Jane look going--you've got it, so flaunt it!! :) Take...
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    Hi Aimee! You are very welcome for the compliment on your great attitude. I picked up on it right away and thought that was really neat. A great example for us to learn from! :) As for PS, what I will do is take a longer break, which I often do anyway when I am going heavier. I am also...
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    Hi, Aimee! Hopefully you'll find this question that is buried in Shelia's post, so here goes: Like Shelia, I'm also following the original rotation you were going to do. The problem is, PS feels like it goes a little quick for me to lift my heaviest weights. Do you think it would be a...
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    ? for Annette (A-Jock)

    RE: All-Pro weight vest is best! Hi, Annette! Yes, that is just what I was looking for--thank you! I did find it on the web and it looks great! It's good to know that the length of the vest doesn't bother you. It actually never occurred to me before Haslina brought it up. Good point...
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    Aimee's rotations.........

    Thank you for your quick reply, Aimee!! I'll switch those two tapes around. Thanks for the great (and tough!) rotation! Week #3 looks like it will be fun, too. Take care, and please post after the first five weeks (or sooner) so I know what comes next, okay? Take care, Denise :)
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    ? for Annette (A-Jock)

    Hi, Annette! You were kind enough to reply to a question I had a while back regarding weighted vests, but I can't seem to find that post. What I am looking for specifically is the brand you have. There is a weighted vest I found on the Fitness Wholesale site, but it is "one size fits...
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    Aimee's rotations.........

    Hi, Aimee! I am following your current rotation with some slight modifications, and I love it! I just need to clarify something: On week #2, are you working your biceps two days in a row (i.e., Thursday PS BBA, then Friday S&H Bi's and Tri's)? I just want to clarify to be sure I'm following...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Kotacam, you live in NH too! Hi, Kotacam! Wow, another Cathe fan from New Hampshire?! Yahoo! I live in Salisbury, so it is exit 17 that I take off of 93--not too far from you! Maybe we could meet someday. If you want to email me, my address is [email protected]. Either way, it is so neat...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Janice, I think that would work great! I really love the Slow & Heavy Series. I think I was probably doing it too regularly for it to break my plateau, but it made me much stronger. And you're right about the CTX cardios! They're really intense, so I always feel like the 30 minutes is...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Hi, Stacy! I don't have an exact count in mind when I do the exercises, but it's definitely on the slower side. It depends on the bodypart, but I would have to say in general for upper body it's about 3 up, 3 down. It gets slower as I struggle to get the weight up again!:) One exercise I...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Hi, Shelia! Thanks for explaining how you do this with Cathe's weight tapes! Also, thanks for the great tip telling me how you can get a heavier barbell on your shoulders using a regular bench. That's great! Unfortunately I don't have a regular weight bench. I have the barbell on the...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Hi, Kotacam! I'll bet this routine works really well for you since you have already been lifting for 2 years; you must have a good muscle base and shaking them up this way will probably give you great results. You're not being nosy at all asking about my diet! In fact, I was going to mention...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Hi, Shelia! I think it is so true that you can really put your all into a bodypart when you do 1 per day. By the time I get to triceps in whole body workouts I often have nothing left to put into it. I don't knock whole body workouts altogether, they definitely are great workouts for...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Hi, Diane and Kotacam! Diane, I do the routine all on my own, with no tapes. It seemed really strange at first not to pop in a Cathe tape, but I wanted to follow the formula outlined in Muscle and Fitness Hers. I wanted to go heavy at my own pace and take a recovery period that felt right for...
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    Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

    Hi, all! I would like to share a success I have had (especially since so many of you are kind enough to share yours!). You are all so wonderful and I have learned so much from this forum. :) Seven weeks ago I decided to start a 1 bodypart per day routine (i.e., Monday, Chest; Tuesday, Back...
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    Weighted Vests

    Thanks so much for the info! Those babies are not cheap! But we're worth it, right? :) If Santa doesn't bring me one, this will most definitely be a "Merry Christmas to ME!" deal! It will be so nice not to have to dread the all-out effort, physically and mentally, it takes me to get the...
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    HEY WD-re: your endurance rotation

    Thank you, Sue, for sharing your PS rotation. I will refer to it (but will probably have to modify a bit!) on my next PS rotation. I have about 1 1/2 hours per day 6 days per week to work out, so I'll take a closer look to see how I can modify. Thanks again, and keep up the great work! :) Denise
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    Weighted Vests

    Hi, everyone! I have finally decided to invest in a weighted vest, because I am really risking injury trying to hoist a heavy barbell over my head during the course of a leg workout. I often get little twinges and get stiffness from doing this, and I'm afraid one day it may be much worse...