

I am doing your slow and heavy ,ps rotation I know you have switched rotations.But was hoping you could let me know what if the doctor hadn't put the brakes on your competing you were going to do next.I love this rotation and I am starting the 4th week of this soon.could you let me know what was next.sorry about you not competing.could you do it without taking fatburners or would it be impossibe?
thanks take care
Hi Shelia!! Well, I'm going to focus on Strength and Endurance for a while. I plan on running some 5k's this spring and summer and I want to do something else, something totally diffent than what I've been doing, I just don't know what yet. Any suggestions?!?? I'm open to them:7 !!
Now if you're talking what and I doing next rotation wise, I just started a challenge over at It focuses on strength and endurance. It starts tomorrow. Want to do it too:7 ?? Man I'd love to have a big group doing this!! It involves the new videos, but I've also said to feel free to sub with her other vids. Like, MIS, BMAX, CMAX, PH, etc......
I'm going to focus on this rotation, becuase I feel that with clean eating, at least for the most part;-) , it should give great results, especially with the endurance I am going to need to run. So I'm building that up now. Also, for me, I've noticed that whenever I train for endurance, my fat loss is better. So hopefully, I'll get the best of both worlds!!!
I hope you'll come do it with me!!


P.S. If you do do the challenge with me go to
Hi Amy! I was also sorry to hear that you won't be able to do the competition. Looks like you'll be having a good old time anyway!

I think Sheila wants to know what you would be doing if you WERE still going to be competing. I think that's what her question was...

Anyway, good luck with your challenge!
Ohhhhhh....... Boy I totally missed that one:eek: ! See what happens when you wake up too early?!? LOL!!
If I was still competing, in about a week my focus would a little more to fat loss. Now would come stepped up aerobics and a slightl;y modified training plan. I would be upping my cardio to 40-45 min in the a.m., and 20 min in the p.m. for the next 5 weeks. The weight training would go from 3 on 1 off, to 3 on heavy, 1 off, 2 on lighter, 1 off.
Something like this

Mon- run or tape 45 min, PS BBA, brisk walk 20min p.m.
Tues- Cardio kicks, PS SLA, walk 20 p.m.
Wed- run or tape 40 min, PS CST, walk 20min p.m.
Thurs- rest or yoga
Fri- run or tape 40min PLB, walk 20min p.m.
Sat- run or tape 45min, PUB, walk 20p.m.
Sun- rest or yoga

Now remember to go lighter the second half of the week, use the same weights Cathe uses or go no higher than 10lbs over what Cathe uses. Your heaviest weights will still be with the PS Series.

Ok, sorry about the misunderstanding!! You know what?? I think I'm going to put this into my public rotations over at fitnessvideo fanatics. Maybe this'll be one to do in April or May...Hmmmmm...... Thinkin' ahead:+ .
Hi Amyfit30!

Here's a suggestion if you're looking for another activity to do - why not try biking. It's a great crosstrainer for running and you could also compete in bike races or participate in bike events such as the MS bike-a-thons. Two of my coworkers biked the 150 mile trail this past fall. 75 miles day one and the remaining 75 miles back the following day. This was done on a Saturday and Sunday. They're trying to get more people in the office to ride with them this year. I am considering doing it. It sounds like fun! I think with this event you accepted donations (for the MS society). Not really sure but check into it as I will certainly do. I don't like events where your goal is to raise $1500.

Hopefully you'll get other suggestions!

Hi Angie!!! Yeah, I tried biking awhile back and found out that it wasn't for me. competitive wise. I enjoy the heck out of it recreationally:7 . Maybe if I combine running and biking in a dualathon.......? Something to think about. Hmmmm.......

Hi, Aimee! Hopefully you'll find this question that is buried in Shelia's post, so here goes:
Like Shelia, I'm also following the original rotation you were going to do. The problem is,
PS feels like it goes a little quick for me to lift my heaviest weights. Do you think it would
be a good idea for me to lift on my own for the 3 heavy days, then pick up with the Pyramids
for the 2 light days? Or is there some way I can "tweak" PS so that I can go heavier? By
the way, I am very impressed with your upbeat attitude about the whole competition
situation--someone else may have used it as an excuse to give up altogether, but you are
making it work for you! I admire that very much. :)

Take care,
Hi Denise!! First, let me say Thank You:) !! I'm just one of those people who go by the saying about making lemonade when life throws you lemons. Corny huh? But we can all be as happy or sad as we want, so why not enjoy the scenery when you have to take a detour? Ok, enough with the that....
Actually, I've done it both ways:7 ! I've just paused PS inbetween each set and waited until I was ready and I've just done it n my own. Do it however make you feel most comfortable. Try ding it both ways. Some days, I do good on my own, other I need the push from Cathe, If you're like me, you probably got her tapes memorized anyway, so you know what to do, if you don't follow the tape;) .
Listen to your body, don't be push and losing form on the heavy stuff, you'll injure yourself. Besides, if you're going asheavy as you can, it's proven that you'll need a longer rest between sets, take it:7 !

Thanks again!!!

Hi Aimee! You are very welcome for the compliment on your great attitude. I picked up on it right away and
thought that was really neat. A great example for us to learn from! :) As for PS, what I will do is take a longer
break, which I often do anyway when I am going heavier. I am also used to doing my own weight workouts
sometimes (but love Cathe's "company"!), so I will be fine and will do both depending on my mood. Sometimes
I just want someone to tell me what to do next--that will be the PS days! :) Thanks for the advice! If you
don't mind answering just one more question for the biceps section of PS, Cathe does only 1 set of
seated hammer curls and one set of seated dumbell curls before moving on to negative curls, if I remember
correctly. For those two exercises I often pause the workout and add one or two more sets.
Do you think that is necessary to get a really thorough biceps workout in? I really appreciate your opinion!
Oh, and I hope your new rotation that you started yesterday is going great--it is a tough one! Take care,
What type of bike competition did you do? On the road, there are different types of races: criteriums (groups usually do laps around a course less than a mile long for a given amount of time plus 5 laps), road races (packs race a predetermined no. of miles) and time trials (you solo against the clock). Different styles suit different personalities. If you're a team-type person, try road races or crits. If you're a loner or a triathlete, try time trials.

Also, I find mt. bike racing to be very different than road racing. I like it much better.

If you're interested in learning more about races in your region, your local bike shop, bike club or race team should be able to hook you up. Some states also have statewide, amateur Olympic-type games.

For the MS150, you'll have to pay a certain amount (maybe $30) as well as raise a certain minimum amount (maybe $150 or $250). There are many other charity rides for diabetes, AIDS, lukemia, etc. Again, check with your local bike shop or club for info on charity rides in your area. I bet you could do a search of the website of the charity of your choice to find out if/when it has a fundraiser ride. Lance Armstrong also sponsors Ride for the Roses in Austin to raise money for his foundation, which I think funds cancer research.

It sounds like you like to ride. I hope this gives you some new ideas. There are many ways to have fun (and to compete) on a bike.

Hey Shelia,

I'm doing this rotation as a challenge over on starting next Sunday, the 23rd. This would be the beginning of my 4th week as well. I'm going to do it one more time through for a total of 8 weeks through before moving on to something new. I would love to have you (and any other's that want to) join me.

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