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  1. B

    Leg Development

    Dear Crystal, Not sure what your body type or present level of conditioning is but I agree that a mix of both free weights and machines is probably optimal. I am a little taller than the average woman (5'8.5") and I have a large frame with a fair amount of muscle fiber to work with (from...
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    Heavy squats question

    The vests I've been window shopping range from $90 to about $250. The pretty penny is the reason I'm looking for input before I buy!
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    Heavy squats question

    Dear Robin, A smith machine is a torturous device(just kidding) a steel framed structure that surrounds the user and supports the barbell, which slides up and down along the frame as a squat or lunge is performed. It allows the use of weight greater than the lifter could independantly support...
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    I am totally with you LoriHart! I found Cathe's videos only about 6 mos ago after being burnt out by years in the club scene as both a member and manager. While I have acquired enough equipment to strength train at home, I missed the high intensity, motivating classes that a club offers...
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    Heavy squats question

    I was wondering the same thing. I tried the knapsack idea and found that when I added the weight I really needed it became very unstable. I was thinking about purchasing a weight vest. I know they are sold up to 40 lbs and I believe the weight might be distributed evenly enough on one's...