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  1. V

    Just did SB--What a BLAST! Love KPC, too.

    I can't believe that I haven't used this workout hardly at all! I tried it when I got it and enjoyed it but didn't get all the choreography right away. So, I tended to grab my workouts I knew to get a really good workout. I row so when rowing season got here, I did that for MOST of my cardio...
  2. V

    small request for stretch DVD

    Excellent suggestion! There's so much Cathe could do for us here!
  3. V

    Chest work suggestion for shoulder impingement

    Hi Cathe (and others). Was looking for suggestion on exercises for chest while recovering from mild shoulder impingement. Last weekend I went skiing, took a spill and caught myself with my hands. This caused a slight shoulder impingement in my left shoulder. I did go to the doctor but...
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    Pikes on the stability ball

    I agree with all of these tips. The other thing that really helped me was I started just sitting on my ball during the day while on the computer. I was shocked how much stronger my core got just from not slouching in a chair all day. :)
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    Aerobic Step

    The length of the step can also be more important based on your height and length of legs. I'm 5'8" and started with a Rebok (I think) step in '90. It wasn't long before I got an original Club Step because going over the shorter step didn't tax me enough. Of course, I was doing the Cher...
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    Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Series

    I'm with ya. I read Outlander when it first came out and have been anxiously awaiting each book in the series ever since. I wasn't quite as impressed with the last book in the series but a DEFINITE must read. Boy, would I love to meet Jamie! In fact, I named one of my dogs for Brianna in the...
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    I too have had good success with Cathe. I've lost 55 pounds over this past year. I too started working out easy with Kathy Smith, Karen Voight, Kelli Roberts. I wanted to start rowing again in the summer (I rowed in high school) so I kicked it up a few notches when I started working out with...
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    Stability ball

    Just wanted to note that 55 cm is good for someone of Cathe's height. I'm 5'8 and use a 65 cm stability ball. :)