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  1. S

    Problems using Netscape 7.1?

    Are there problems trying to login using Netscape 7.1? I don't get an error message, but it doesn't "take". i.e. it asks me to login before posting a message, gives me the message box to fill in, then when I hit post message, it takes me back to the login screen. If I'm on the first...
  2. S

    Moved from MIS to S&H

    Well, after 5 weeks on MIS, I've just started a new rotation using Slow & Heavy for the first time. I did the Chest/Back split and really liked it. Even using heavier weights, I found S&H much easier to do. "Easier" may not be the right word for it, but my body really liked doing things slow...
  3. S

    Dumbbell mods for MIS

    I'm starting MIS next week and I don't have a barbell, so I'm going to have to modify to use dumbbells. Any general suggestions? It's my first Cathe strength tape. I've been doing Kathy Smith's Secrets for a Great Body for the past 6 weeks, but before that the only strength training I've...