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  1. B

    Behind The Scenes- Imax2 2nd pic

    This picture scares me! Cathe looks so full of energy. Just this picture makes me want to get movin! Mandy
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    Behind The Scenes - Pyramid Upper

    I think Cathe should use this picture for one of the email postcards for Halloween. Love the bright orange balls! Mandy
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    Behind The Scenes- Upper Body Pic 2

    Look at all those WEIGHTS!! Woohoo! Love the kickback picture. All these pictures are so great! Thanks Cathe and SNM! Mandy
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    Behind The Scenes- Boot Camp

    Great picture Cathe! Thanks for sharing! Mandy
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    Behind The Scenes - Pyramid Lower Body

    Out of all the picture, this one is my favorite. Cathe, you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to get the DVDs!!! You are incredibly fit Mother of 2. Mandy
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    Cardio & Weights

    Cathe, You chose excellent colors in your workout attire. I love the picture! Mandy
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    Boot Camp

    Kickboxing! Wow! Great side kick Cathe! I am so excited to get these videos. Thanks for sharing the pictures! Mandy
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    Pyramid Lower Body

    My favorite I love the picture! The pyramid videos are what I've been waiting for. I requested it and Cathe listened! There is nothing more pleasing then having your voice heard. Its like an answered prayer. Cathe, you just GLOW with good health! Mandy
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    Behind The Scenes - Muscle Endurance

    Awesome! Thanks for showing us all the pictures! You all look so fit! Cathe, your post pregnancy abs looking amazing. Mandy
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    My morning sickness is killing me!!

    Morning sickness just about kills me too! And i've had my share of it believe me. It was twice as bad with my identical twins. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I feel for you and tell you that chewing on a raw carrot really helped with the sick feeling. Also pear apples. Something...
  11. B

    Behind The Scenes- IMAX2

    Thanks for the pictures!!! I love Cathe in red! The background looks so neat with ivy growing on the walls. Thanks for sharing the new pictures! I must say Cathe that SNM is awesome in showing us pictures of the new videos so quickly as well as excellent customer service. Its a pleasure to...