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  1. J

    My two cents with two suggestions

    1. An mp3 workout or series in the style of iTrain for the treadmill/elliptical/cycle. 2. A tough treadmill workout, either walking or running.
  2. J

    Ugh! Do I have thrush? (maybe TMI)

    Hi Monica, I've been breastfeeding my son for eleven weeks. I've had similar symptoms for the past day or so. I just searched on using the words "nipple blister", and found this article: To sum up: If there's just...
  3. J

    Timesaver/CTX mish-mosh style rotation request

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could devise a Timesaver/CTX mish-mosh style rotation for me. I have a three month old son, and I'm back at work, so I am lucky if I can get 45 minutes to myself for a workout on any given day. Timesaver is the perfect format for me right now...
  4. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Quick hello to everyone... today was my first full day back at work. I liked being back, but I am very tired right now, as Derek woke me up for 1:00 AM and 4:45 AM feedings. A lot of people gave me the "post-pregnancy once-over" - you know the look, the one to see how much baby fat is gone...
  5. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Thanks Kristan! My husband thinks I am crazy for trying to get Derek on a feeding and nap schedule at 8 weeks. The only things that are predictable right now are nursings at about 4:30 AM and 7:30 AM. After then, he could be hungry again at 9 AM or last until 11 AM - it's never the same two...
  6. J

    C-section scar and pulling/discomfort with abdominal exercises

    RE: C-section scar and pulling/discomfort with abdomina... I am going through the same thing right now. I think that if the pull isn't accompanied by sharp pain, then every other day shouldn't do any harm. If the pain is sharp and/or persists, then I recommend that you call your doctor. Just...
  7. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Kristi - Thanks so much for describing your schedule with DD and DS! Are you pumping breastmilk for DD's bottles, or are you giving her formula? How old was DD when you introduced the baby food? Also, do you work from home or is your office near your home and daycare? OK, enough questions...
  8. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    The time to edit my original post expired, so here's my add-on: I am VERY frustrated at my own lack of weight loss right now. I dropped 20 lbs right after giving birth. I have 20 more to go, but I have been stuck for the past three weeks. I've even gone back up a couple of pounds. :( I am...
  9. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Here's what I managed last week: Mon: 3.5 mile run Tue: 3.4 mile walk w/baby in Baby Bjorn - much tougher on me than I thought it would be! Wed: Muscle Max Upper Body Thu: Muscle Max Lower Body - ran out of time before baby woke up for his next feeding Fri: SJP Step, Step Blast section 3...
  10. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 11th

    Briee: I am originally from New Jersey. I moved to Naperville eight years ago, for a network administrator job. Since then, I've lived in Wheaton (just over the town border from the College of DuPage) and Bartlett. One of my coworkers has a house in Viola, WI and she's mentioned how...
  11. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 11th

    My Baby Bjorn Active showed up this past week. It is MUCH more user-friendly and comfortable than the Snugli. There's a picture on the box that shows how it can be used while nursing, but I'm not that coordinated! :+ I just found out that my managers won't allow me to return to work part...
  12. J

    Baby carrier recommendations

    Based on the recommendations in this thread, I bought a Baby Bjorn Active off of eBay, and I love it! Thanks!
  13. J

    Post partum check-in Feb 4th

    Hi everyone, My six week checkup is tomorrow. Since I had a c-section, I was supposed to wait for the green light from my OB before resuming workouts. I went ahead anyway and tried working out last week. Here's what I managed to do in between feedings and fussiness: Sun: 5 minutes...
  14. J

    Baby carrier recommendations

    I lost my balance doing pikes on the ball while wearing the baby. He's just fine, but his mom is a little bruised. :+
  15. J

    Baby carrier recommendations

    Thank you very much for all of the recommendations, they are highly appreciated. :-) I have another related question: Have any of you been able to do any kind of aerobic workout (for example: step, treadmill, elliptical) while wearing a Baby Bjorn or other baby carrier? A reviewer of the...
  16. J

    Baby carrier recommendations

    Hi everyone! My six week postpartum appointment is next Tuesday, and once I get the green light from my OB, I am going to start working out again, and I will join the postpartum checkin. So far, I've tried the Snugli Front & Back Pack Carrier, and I don't like it very much because of all the...
  17. J

    new baby, introducing myself

    Hi Courtney! I second Shopaholic's motion to start out with those particular workouts. I have to wear two regular sports bras, otherwise it's highly uncomfortable. Nursing sports bras might be good if you are doing a low impact workout and only need one bra for support. I am almost 6 weeks...
  18. J

    Evangeline Gloria has arrived!

    Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your story with us. :-)
  19. J

    Maggie and her beautiful new girl!

    Hi Maggie. My thoughts are also with you. I hope labor and delivery went very well. I look forward to your next post.
  20. J

    Hey Maggie

    HI Maggie, I logged in just to check for news on you. I hope you are still doing very well and that (the rest of) labor and delivery goes as well as can be for you and your baby!