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    STS with basic step

    I really love doing basic step! I do the half hour program before the STS workout. Sometimes, I add STS abs or abs from basic step dvd then I do the extended stretch. Days in-between I either rest, or do step with the add on's and extended stretch. Will my body stop burning aerobic calories...

    STS Meso 1 Legs

    Thank you. I wasn't sure if it was okay to split it up, but that's a good idea. Take Care.

    STS Meso 1 Legs

    Hello, Right now, I own STS Meso 1 the endurance DVD. I recently ordered STS Meso 2, 3, and abs. I'm just waiting for them to arrive. I'm having problems getting through the endurance leg dvds. I've completed the other dvds multiple times, with no problem, and I've seen results while...

    Cathe - My personal trainer

    Thank you for allowing me to be a member. I hope everyone is working toward and achieving the goals (sometimes it takes time, so be patient if you're still working hard. It takes time). I just want to say, ALL my workouts are from Cathe's DVD's. She's so energetic and encouraging; it's...

    STS Legs 1st week

    Thank you both for your feedback. I will definitely take my time on that track, and move forward on the Chest and Back workouts. Gina

    STS Legs 1st week

    Hello, I'm back on the STS training kick to get [back] in shape. Unfortunately, I have gotten very weak since I used to train, especially my quads. When I tried the 1st week leg DVD, I found I could only do a half-hour, and of those exercises, I could only get through a few (at best). My...