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  1. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean forJune 2014!

    Happy Friday ladies! Haven't checked in, but this week has been going pretty well. I've worked out every day and my eating has been good too. This is the first time in a while I've looked forward to weigh in day.. Today will be Cardio Leg Blast. Any plans for the weekend for you all? BBL...
  2. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean forJune 2014!

    Hey ladies! Today was Burn Sets Chest/Back/Shoulders. Meeting went well yesterday. We're looking at closing in December, the guy said he'd have us in by Christmas - best gift ever! Kristin, we have been and will be taking pics lots of pics! There's not a lot to see yet, it's just dirt. But...
  3. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean forJune 2014!

    Morning girls! Hope you guys had good weekends. Ours was nice and quiet - and it was really needed. Aiden is getting his 2 year molars in and has been a bit of a bear with it, as well as not sleeping well. We've been awake every night for the past week. Feeling tired but plugging away. Did...
  4. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean forJune 2014!

    Silly me, hit send without meaning to. Waving hi to everyone else - Hope you have a great day!
  5. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean forJune 2014!

    Morning girls! Hope you all had great weekends! Went to a baby shower for a friend, she's having a little girl - so sweet! Today is off to a good start for a Monday lol Back to work today, it was nice to have that time off. Started the day off with Rockout Knockout, and I feel great. Kristin -...
  6. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean for May 2014!

    Hey ladies, sorry to have been such a flake recently, I've really been struggling with consistency. I'm really going to be working on that and look forward to chatting with you regularly again. I've had this week off and it's been great! I've been able to spend some much needed time with Aiden...
  7. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean for May 2014!

    Fell off the wagon, it ran me over and left me behind. :( Really, really gotta refocus. Seems like working out in the mornings is the only thing that keeps my eating in check during the day, but the past couple times I've tried, Aiden woke up. I just can't seem to get exercise and healthy eating...
  8. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean for April 2014!

    P.S. - we finally got Aiden's 2-year pics back, so I just wanted to share a few :) They turned our super cute for as difficult as he was lol
  9. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean for April 2014!

    Morning girls! I swear Monday always comes around so fast.. I'm trying to stay positive today and hope for the best. :) Yesterday I did the Boot Camp/Upper Body Circuit premix from 4DS, and am feeling it pretty good today in the chest aned shoulders. Vickie - It did snow here yesterday! We...
  10. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean for April 2014!

    Morning ladies! Hope you are having a great weekend :) It's nice here today. Supposed to get close to 70, and then snow tomorrow. Go figure. This whole mortgage thing is stressing me out.. One lender wouldn't approve us for a conventional loan, only FHA, but that is bumping our payment higher...
  11. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean for April 2014!

    Morning girls! Hope you all had a great weekend, we did! We went and took care of paperwork for the house (we're doing a new build), and it should be done in October! I can't wait!! Next step in about 6 weeks or so will be to pick out everything for the interior. I will finally have my own...
  12. lil_lock

    Commit to get FIT & Lean for April 2014!

    Hi ladies, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth lol It's been a crazy week, but a great one. We found out that we are pre-approved for a house! I can't wait to get out of this apartment! Workouts haven't been so great this week, but I'm trying to refocus and get back in the groove. I did...
  13. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Hello hello! I gotta say I'm LOVING Low Impact Series so far - I've done two (Low Impact Challenge Tuesday and Turbo Barre yesterday), and they've been great!! Turbo Barre kicked my booty! Aiden is feeling better - must have been something he ate or he ate too much too fast or something like...
  14. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Lol Vickie, I prefer to work out in the "cold" too. I like running the ac. Well, we may have figured out what was wrong with Aiden this morning.. About an 1.5 hours after we hubby and I left for work, he got sick. Praying hard it was just a one time thing. :(( He seemed his normal self when we...
  15. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Morning girls! Hubby is doing much better today, thank you for the thoughts! His right cheek is still looking bruised and still feels tight if he opens his mouth, but the pain is all but gone. I probably bought way too many DVD's, but I'm current and won't have to buy anything else until a new...
  16. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Morning ladies! Hubby had his wisdom teeth out on Thursday, so I've been tending to him. Luckily he actually fared quite well and wasn't in too horrible pain. the swelling's almost completely gone too. I took Friday off of work to watch Aiden since I wasn't sure how hubby would react to the pain...
  17. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Happy hump day!! Started today off with Muscle Max - an oldie, but one I'm quite fond of. It really feels good to be starting the day off with a workout, I feel much better mood-wise, it helps me eat better, and just feel good all around. We've been having some issues with Aiden's bedtime...
  18. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Morning ladies! Man, I really need to work on my consistency. :o I think I'm going to start getting up in the morning and getting my workouts in then - I'm guaranteed to do it and it helps set the tone for ther rest of the day. This morning I did Imax 2 - and I really noticed some improvements...
  19. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Hello, hello!! Had a bit of a struggle getting back on track last week, but I'm feeling great today. I did Couch to 10K at lunch, and have PLB scheduled for after work. Gotta try and play catch up here :) Sounds like a great workout Amelia! Cookie, my fave workouts are probably step. I...
  20. lil_lock

    Commit to get Fit & Lean for March 2014

    Morning ladies! Holy whirlwind weekends! Saturday was the typical prep stuff for Aiden's birthday party - pick up the cake, food, etc. Then the party was at 3:30 - the kids had a blast! We had it at a rec center where hubby reffs, so the kids were able to play with the balls in the gym, and the...