Search results

  1. Elisheva2012

    Xtrain and Losing Weight

    I think any rotation you pick will help you lose weight. The changing routin is so your body does not get so used to 1-2 workouts and platu. I have already lost the 5 pounds I gained at the holidays and 2 more to boot. So seven pounds since I got xtrain. I did not even do the workouts in the...
  2. Elisheva2012

    Switching rotation a bit

    I'm also doing the 90 day rotation. Glad to see I'm not the only one switching. I did a couple of the new workouts when I first got them, just cause I could not wait. So far I love everything I've tried! I think I'm addicted to cathe workouts. I do not even touch my others easy...
  3. Elisheva2012

    Switching rotation a bit

    Is anyone else changing rotation some? I work as a nurse 12 hour shift 3 days a week on a rotating every other weekend. This means iWork 2 twelves in a row then have 2 days off then work 2 then off 3 etc. I have been feeling some serious soreness after the work outs. Today for me is hard strikes...
  4. Elisheva2012

    Cardio Leg blast

    Wow! I just got done with the cardio leg blast. I loved it. I did have to skip a few moves due to knee issues, but still could do most of the workout. I am soaked.:eek:
  5. Elisheva2012

    Pink boxing gloves....peeeeeew

    pink gloves so sorry to hear that. I am just going to use my fingerless karate gloves. Also pink.:) They are padded on the hands, we use them for sparring and I also use for heavy bag work. Hope they air out soon, wonder if febreeze would help.
  6. Elisheva2012

    SNM Workout Manger Problems

    workout manager still not working My workout manager is till not working. Can not download a rotation or add workout or delete workouts.
  7. Elisheva2012

    Week 1 done!!!! Cathe, you rock!!!!

    Can't decide Love the new workouts so far. I have not followed the 90 day program yet. I have been picking and choosing. I have a foam floor so I have to skip the disk work. So far I love the variety. I can not decide if I will do the program to a "t" or modify yet. I work as a nurse 12 hour...
  8. Elisheva2012

    Cross train - kickboxing

    I downloaded cross train kickboxing video yesterday for $6.95. I was getting bored with the workouts I have and I joined Karate 2 months ago. This workout is great,hard, but great. It has the kickboxing aerobic section then goes into weights for biceps, then ab work and then a nice relaxing...
  9. Elisheva2012

    Crossfire slide n glide question

    How much are the slide n glide disks used? I have a puzzle mat floor and Inhave tried paper plates and two different types of slide n glide disks and none work to well. I just got the low impact cardio super sets and can not do half the workout. So I was wondering about crossfire. What about...
  10. Elisheva2012

    High step set

    I bought the blue high step set from Walmart online that comes with the high step and a Cathe video called High Step Circuit. Well the video will not work at all? :mad:It looks blank?? I went online and some other people had the same thing happen. Anyone here had this happen. I was looking...
  11. Elisheva2012

    New to Cathe

    I have been using hardcore gym for triceps and chest so far I love it!! I am pre-ordering xtrain but need some suggestions for a good cardio workout that is low impact but not to hard, not to easy. I have lost 127 pounds so far and still need to lose 100 more. I go to the gym and use the...