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  1. S


    Cathe rebounder workout - YES! I too would love a Cathe rebounder workout or workout series. Really excellent idea!
  2. S

    Which Cathe workout has the most deeply relaxing post-workout cooldown/stretch bit at

    One of my Cathe DVDs has a PARTICULARLY relaxing bit at the end, that is so very relaxing that it actually sends me to sleep. Can anyone tell me which one it might be? I have so many I can't find it. It might be one of the easier workouts but I'm not sure. I am gradually working my way through...
  3. S

    NO EQUIPMENT bodyweight-only DVD

    (Sorry -- haven't visited for a while and can't remember the email address I used or my user name so have re-registered.) The one exercise DVD/download that is missing from your FANTASTIC range is a BODYWEIGHT-ONLY (ZERO equipment needed) one. I would like to buy from you a zero-equipment (no...