Search results

  1. dcustard

    nutrition feature + road trip?

    Hi Cathe! I am on my last day of the nutrition tracker and do not want to have my service interrupted, I can't seem to find where I can renew my membership. Is there a way to extend this so that I don't lose my food list and the last month of food tracking? Also, haven't been staying...
  2. dcustard

    protein for STS?

    protein shake Hi Christy, I see no one replied to your posting...anyways, I love my post workout shake, it tastes great and is refreshing, I use: 4 oz. blueberry blackberry acai juice + 4oz. water 2 scoops whey/soy protein 5 g creatine + 5 g glutamine frozen banana 1 Tbs. sugar in the...
  3. dcustard

    Cathe where did you get those muscles?

    Thanks Cathe! Taegan was born on President's day instead of Valentine's, he is an absolute angel;) Thank you very much for taking your time to answer my question. I cannot wait to get started with your program! Take care, Denise
  4. dcustard

    Mommas to Be-Late Feb. Check-In

    Hi Hi Jen and Melanie, I'm new to the boards here and am pregnant as well, I am 40 weeks and 6 days! Do not know if we are having a boy or girl, and this time I do not have that mothers intuition about it like I did with my daughter. (I didn't find out with her either, I just knew it!) My...
  5. dcustard

    Cathe where did you get those muscles?

    Hi Cathe, Was it any one system that gave you those awesomely sculpted muscles? I plan on using your shock cardio series and mesocycles after I give birth (gained 22 pounds) I am 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant! (the EDD was Valentine's). Will I see muscular results from these dvd's? Oh, I...
  6. dcustard

    Dumbell vs Barbell/Days off on a rotation

    Hi Lilly, I don't see why you couldn't substitute dumbbells for the barbell when you felt the urge to. Both pieces of equipment work the the targeted muscle in a slightly different way. Sometimes I prefer to work on my Gold's gym than lifting the barbell or dumbbells. I am working my muscles...
  7. dcustard


    Hi everyone and Cathe! I am a new fan. (I would be an old one if only I knew earlier!) I cannot believe I’ve only recently stumbled upon Cathe’s amazing workouts! I did my first Cathe video last week “Muscle Max” and not only is the workout amazing but Cathe’s physique is a true inspiration...