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  1. T

    3rd m/c...we're done

    Ugh. I'm so sorry you've had so many miscarriages. It's so easy to get down and beat yourself up about it - on top of the sadness and stress of TTC and the miscarriages themselves. I've had several myself over the past couple years. After the third one I took more than a year off of trying. For...
  2. T

    Insanity or P90X???

    I like both P90X and Insanity, but for cardio I think it's hard to beat the intensity of Insanity. They are short, but do not be fooled. They are WAY harder than Cathe's HiiT workouts. I never sweat like I do with Insanity. I think it gets a bit boring to do the same type of workout every day...
  3. T

    On the Fence....Help me decide: Insanity???

    I'll chime in too. I personally love Insanity - think it's a great investment, and certainly much more challenging aerobically than HiiT. Like some other posters said I made HUGE fitness gains. I had to work MUCH harder after just one month to get my HR up to 85-90% max. That said, I did get...
  4. T


    Oh do I hear you on this one. Pregnancy always makes me weirdly emotional. I'm normally pretty even-keeled too so I feel kind of like some emotional alien invaded my body. This morning I got a little misty when they announced the "Mini Supreme Queen" winner on Toddlers & Tiaras. How crazy...
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    questions about working out during pregnancy

    My workouts vary in length a lot depending on how I feel. I'm still in the first trimester and I always feel super-fatigued then. Some days I can only muster 30 minutes and other days I do up to an hour and a half of cardio+strength. My temperature mostly gets up if I do intervals or if I run...
  6. T

    questions about working out during pregnancy

    Oh, also, didn't make this explicitly clear. The 140 HR limit is totally arbitrary. his research suggests max HR doesn't matter, just core temp. The bottom line of the book is: keep exercising, for the most part you can do whatever you were doing until it's not comfortable anymore.
  7. T

    questions about working out during pregnancy

    I highly recommend the book "Exercising through your Pregnancy" by James Clapp (I think it's James). He's a physician who's actually done research on women exercising during pregnancy. It's the ONLY book I've found so far where the recommendations are based on research, not some kind of guess...
  8. T

    Anyone take a break or give up on TTC?

    Thank god you don't have to have surgery. What a relief. And I agree, all the comparing with others can be stressful - I stopped talking to some people about it because I found they were almost competitive about it, not supportive (not intentionally, of course). My doctor never really figured...
  9. T

    Anyone take a break or give up on TTC?

    Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about being frustrated yet again. I actually just took off a whole year from trying to get pregnant. I had my daughter when I was 35. And then after that I had 3 miscarriages at 12 weeks, 2 after seeing the heartbeat. I just didn't feel like going through that again...
  10. T

    mixing STS with circuit or Crossfit-type workouts?

    Hi all - longtime lurker, first-time (!) poster looking for some rotation feedback. Has anyone tried mixing STS with either circuit workouts or Crossfit-style workouts? I'm considering mixing STS with workouts from Sean Burch's Hyperfitness program (a mix of cardio intervals incorporating full...
  11. T

    mixing STS with circuit or Crossfit-type workouts?

    Hi all - longtime lurker, first-time (!) poster looking for some rotation feedback. Has anyone tried mixing STS with either circuit workouts or Crossfit-style workouts? I'm considering mixing STS with workouts from Sean Burch's Hyperfitness program (a mix of cardio intervals incorporating full...