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  1. N

    Can a vegetarian gain muscle mass?

    Absolutely! How on earth do you think cows build muscle? :p Here's a great website to check out. No doubts here! Check out the Carl Lewis article. Many veggie and vegan athletes say they reached new fitness heights once they changed their way of eating to...
  2. N

    Avatar help

    I thought if I put a photo in for the Profile Photo, that would show up as my Avatar. But it doesn't. Is there another spot to download a pic for the Avatar? I've looked and looked in that User CP area and can't find it. Thanks for your help! The Forum is GREAT!!! :cool:
  3. N

    Question about the 41 dvds

    Just replying to myself :) -- I couldn't get the registering process to let me use my old User Name, so I had to come up with a new one. :cool: (I love the new smileys so much better than the old ones!!! :confused::p Hope Cathe sees my question!