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  1. Shantabulous

    I liked CrossFit

    So glad you liked it! I was addicted within the first week and I just couldn't give it up. Luckily, mine is 75/month, which is very reasonable for xfit, so I was able to make it work. It has been life-changing for me.
  2. Shantabulous

    KCM 30min to Fitness L.I.F.T

    So glad you liked it! Oly lifting is one of my favorite aspects of crossfit. Nothing else makes me feel quite as strong!!
  3. Shantabulous

    KCM 30min to Fitness L.I.F.T

    KCM appears to be extremely flexible. Yes, the proper way to do that move is with elbows extended; however, not all of us can extend that far ;) Also, it's actually probably harder to do that move with a LIGHT barbell because you don't have the counter balance on your hands to push those...
  4. Shantabulous


    Just wanted to update anyone who is interested. Have you ever started something and it ends up being life-changing? Crossfit, along with eating to perform (ETP) have been this for me. What started out as a change in working out due to boredom has ended up as a very personal journey for me...
  5. Shantabulous

    KCM 30min to Fitness L.I.F.T

    Wow, looks like the lifts we do in crossfit! You're going to get addicted, Natasha! :)
  6. Shantabulous

    Shaun T Focus T25

    ETP Calculator | Eat to PerformEat to Perform This is what I used to figure out what I should be getting. I went from 1500 calories to 2100 and eventually I will be up to 2400. Just taking it slowly and increasing calories every week or so along with carbs.
  7. Shantabulous

    Shaun T Focus T25

    This is from Cathe's newsletter. And I promise I'll get off my soap box...for real this time :D. Men are quick to add more protein and calories to their diet when they’re trying to get stronger or build muscle. Women, on the other hand, typically focus on “low-cal” fare and don’t get an...
  8. Shantabulous

    Shaun T Focus T25

    Crossfit has honestly been life changing for me. From eating properly to fuel your body to work ethic and a community of support. I could talk for days on end about it. It's been about 2.5 months and I feel so strong!! I can bench press 103lbs! and deadlift 185lbs, back squat 150lbs!. I look...
  9. Shantabulous

    Shaun T Focus T25

    Loved that. Thanks for sharing. There's more and more proof out there every day that calorie restriction is so very harmful for your body. I've definitely jumped on board!
  10. Shantabulous

    Shaun T Focus T25

    You just proved me point! You burned 1200 calories doing pretty much nothing. So if you work out, you end up fueling your body by breaking down muscles and producing large amounts of cortisol, which HINDERS fat loss because you have no extra calories to burn. I used to religiously eat 1500...
  11. Shantabulous

    Shaun T Focus T25

    This is one thing I have always disliked about beach body programs. There is no way 1200 calories is enough for anyone. Even the sedentary. To perform your best, you need to fuel your workouts. I think it's actually irresponsible of them to promote such a diet. In the long run it will cause...
  12. Shantabulous

    Carb Cycling is the website. Forgot to include that.
  13. Shantabulous

    Carb Cycling

    Eat to perform is an awesome informational blog I follow that talks about when to eat your carbs and how much. Most people eat way under what is needed to perform at high intensity, which only hurts a person in the long run. He has many paleo converts that still remain mostly paleo, but have...
  14. Shantabulous


    Natasha-my hands are under the bar, just outside my shoulders, with my elbows extended out (in line with my shoulders) as far as possible. This allows for a more balanced stance. I keep my feet hip distance apart with my toes slightly pointed out. when I squat, I make sure that my knees push...
  15. Shantabulous


    That stinks! I wouldn't have liked it either. It did take me a good few weeks to feel comfortable at my box, but the 2 owners were inviting and welcoming from the beginning and lots of people were more than willing to give me guidance. As far as the WOD being only 17 minutes, that's pretty...
  16. Shantabulous


    She meant 1, lol. Did it today and finished! 61 mins. Horrible time, but I finished and for that I am truly proud.
  17. Shantabulous


    Doing Murph on Monday!! Will be my first time. I'm actually nervous....
  18. Shantabulous


    Thanks for the support, Natasha. I greatly appreciate it!
  19. Shantabulous


    I totally understand what it's like to work full time, take care of four kids and have a busy schedule. For me that's part of the reason I'm enjoying crossfit so much. It's MY time. My kids may be younger, 10, 7, 7 and 7, and they aren't involved in too much, yet, but I still need time away...
  20. Shantabulous


    Just wanted to give an update for anyone wanting to try CrossFit. I'm just finishing up my first month. I've been going about 5 days a week and I absolutely LOVE it. I have totally become addicted. I can definitely see the potential to get injured and there are a few at my box that have been...