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  1. T


    Hi, I have definitely been in your shoes! Dreamed of being married and having a family for years, and had all but given up on it... then married at almost 29 and at 30 1/2 am expecting our second child. The key for me was learning to be content even if God's plan was for me to remain single...
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    What does everyone think of Jillian....

    I have Jillian's Kickbox video. It was a waste of money. She does "laugh wildly" as someone said, she wastes time telling her crew to get with it, and she doesn't stay with the beat. You can definitely do better. The only plus is that it is a 20 minute workout for when you're in a crunch...
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    Your post sounds exactly like me, seven months ago. Today my daughter turns 9 months, and I have a great workout schedule, starting at 5:30 before she wakes up at 7. I had to play with it before it started working, and I didn't really get serious about a workout routine until she was 3 months...
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    How many calories while pregnant and nursing?

    Hi ladies, We haven't spilled the beans to our family yet, but we are expecting #2 in September. I'm 5 weeks along and still nursing our 9 month old. She is a big eater of solids and doesn't nurse much except when she wakes up. I do Cathe cardio about 3x weekly and weights 3x weekly. Any...
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    slanted risers

    Thanks much! "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
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    slanted risers

    Hi Cathe, I was excited to see that slanted risers are now in stock. I was hoping you would give some information on the exercise DVD included Are you the instructor? What's the breakdown on the workouts? Thanks for all you do! Anna "I can do all things through Christ who gives me...