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  1. F

    10 reasons to run 10 miles...

    Thanks for the reply, Jess Just a couple of questions, How long did it take you to recover? Did you stop running completely? And, pardon my ignorance, how exactly did you use the foam roller? Did you lie on your side with your thigh right on it? Thanks for the link. The physiotherapist...
  2. F

    10 reasons to run 10 miles...

    Great article! I am feeling blue because I am nursing my IT band, haven't run in about 6 weeks. Anyone else familiar with this? I've seen physio etc and will just try to ease back into it slowly. If anyone else has experienced this I would love to hear about it. Even reading about running...
  3. F

    need direction

    Hi Cathe, I am fairly new to your workouts and have just started with your gym series and am really enjoying it. Up until now I am used to lifting lighter for longer, so I'm still trying to adjust my weights, but I'll get there! My question is this: I am really comfortable with the...
  4. F

    gym series

    Thanks everyone for your input, I'm fairly new to Cathe and was a little intimidated by how muscular she is! I thought I would never be able to get through one of her videos! I was pleasantly surprised, have only done the bi back and shoulders, but will be upping my weights next time around...
  5. F

    gym series

    I have just ordered your gym series and am wondering how I should be incorporating cardio with it. Currently I am alternating running or elliptical on alternate days with a full body weight training video. If I do each separate DVD alternating with cardio on the off days it will be a full week...