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  1. K

    Too much time working out?

    Hi Timber99: You know I also have the same problem but let me tell you I used to run 6 or 7 miles per day, then do more cardio and pilates, at least an additional hour, since I have been doing Cathe workouts, I am very challenged and I stopped the running since I now have jumpers knee, but...
  2. K

    A few different questions:

    Dear Working to be fit: I thank you for your advice and I did buy one yesterday, a polar heart monitor now I will figure out how to use it!!! Your great thanks again ;-) Katiya
  3. K

    A few different questions:

    Hi Cathe: Thank you for your response I appreciate and respect your input!! I will try to monitor my body and see how I feel, I did buy a heart rate monitor so I think that will help better control where I am at with calories and cardio. Again you are truly an inspiration, I am 38 and...
  4. K

    A few different questions:

    Dear Fitness Angel: Thank you so much for the information, truly helpful, and thanks for taking the time to write back!!! Have a great day:-)
  5. K

    A few different questions:

    Hi Cathe: I started to watch fit tv and wow you are wonderful I feel like I am at the gym, I really look up to you I already bought some dvd's and the high step and plan on getting more!!! Just a few questions: When you are lifting weights and say I have 40 pounds is that on each side on...