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  1. L

    Afterburn how often?

    I don't know the answer to your question, but I just wanted to say that Afterburn causes me to be incredibly sore for a couple days! Crazy sore like no other workout really. Sore like I am actually saying out loud to people "My a** is killing me!" which, if you know me, is completely out of...
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    Boot Camp Question

    Well, I finally bought (and "enjoyed!") Boot Camp (took advantage of the pre-sale 20% discount.) Does anyone know the breakdown in minutes of the Pre-Mixes? And what the bonus Pre-Mix includes? I imagine it is on the website somewhere but couldn't find it. Thank you for your help!
  3. L

    Questions on shin splints

    I had re-occurring shin splints several years ago. At that time, I was told to throw away my Cross Trainers and wear running shoes for running and aerobic shoes for aerobics. Also, to get those inserts that you put into your sneakers for extra cushioning (a pair for each set of sneakers). I...
  4. L

    Anyone else think that Sarah Palin resembles....

    Sarah Palin is amazing. This is a space that honors women with strength both inside and out. She is the epitome of this. I have cousins in Alaska who have been governed by her, and who have met and spoken with her. They say she is kind, compassionate, levelheaded, smart, committed, and...
  5. L

    Preparing for a Triathalon?

    Thank you for your response! You made me feel better--like this is something I actually can do! Can you tell me the difference between the 2 bikes you mentioned? Thanks!
  6. L

    Preparing for a Triathalon?

    Does anyone have any advice or resources regarding training for a triathalon? I am 42 years old and work out regularly (cardio and weights), but have not been swimming or biking hardly at all--I do run 5ks when I can. I have about a year to train--it is not until August 2009. Any advice is...
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    anyone have a Cockapoo?

    We got our goldendoodle (golden retriever and poodle mix) from a breeder in South Jersey (Jersy Doodles). They are bigger than cockapoos of course but not huge--ours is 2 years old and weighs 50 pounds.
  8. L

    Help with weaning/discomfort

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I wound up binding and compressing (tightly!)and that did work thank goodness! It did take about a week though. When you are in the middle of that discomfort, it feels like it will never go away!
  9. L

    Help with weaning/discomfort

    Does anyone have any advice for breast discomfort once you have stopped breastfeeding? I nursed my son for 14 months, slowly dropping off feedings once he turned a year. He was only nursing in the morning until this past Friday when he slept later than usual so I decided this was the time to...
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    Lower Body

    I was just thinking about this very thing to get ready for summer. Cathe has a few rotations that focus on lower body. Has anyone gotten particularly good results from any of these in particular? Thanks!
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    Imax 2

    I find Blast 10 to be tough too. But I always have to laugh because the first time I did it, I was dying after the first set of squat turns and thinking it was over (because she does say something like 9 is hard but 10 is easier--not!)and then she says "okay we have to do it on the other side"...
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    need good salad recipe

    Thanks for all the great ideas! These all sound delicious. I really appreciate the input! Now to just make a decision....! Michele
  13. L

    need good salad recipe

    Yes! Something like this sounds great. I just don't trust my ability to throw something together without having a recipe in front of me, but how hard can it be? Does anyone know of a good sweet balsamic viniagrette in a bottle? Thanks!
  14. L

    need good salad recipe

    Hi everyone! Does anyone have a good recipe for a salad to be served to a number of people (my son's birthday party) and that will not get too soggy too fast? I have something in my head (I must have eaten it somewhere) like a green salad with walnuts, maybe feta cheese, a viniagrette dressing...
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    We bought a Goldendoodle two years ago. He is great with our kids including our 11 month old. He is smart and learns quickly (expect that he is not supposed to go in the trash--he doesn't follow this rule very well...) He is pretty even-tempered, not overly hyper or anything. His father is a...
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    Step, Jump and Pump

    I love the Kung Fu fighting song! But the lunges section....ouch, ouch, ouch. That segment has been known to make me cry....but in a good way...sort of...!
  17. L

    Finally can do ALL of Butts and Guts!

    For those of you who have been doing Butts and Guts faithfully--have you noticed results? If so, how often do you do it? Believe it or not, this is one work-out that I have yet to open!! Crazy, I know. I have been thinking of doing it regularly to get more toned for bathing suit season, and am...
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    Jan 08 rotation

    Happy New Year everyone! Two things: First, can someone suggest a substitute for the original Boot Camp? It's about the only Cathe that I do not have. Second, should I get the original Boot Camp? I already have Muscle Endurance so I could never justify paying for it again. But my sister gave...
  19. L

    Weight Watchers

    I really like Weight Watchers and felt the need to chime in. After my second baby, I just could not lose that last 20 pounds so I joined with my sister. I lost 20 pounds in about 4 months, and she lost 107 pounds in about a year! I had my third baby this past January, went back to WW, was back...
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    Does anyone else love Step Jump and Pump?

    I don't think the weight work is too bad on SJP except for the LUNGES!! Ouch ouch ouch! Does anyone else have a hard time getting through these or I am more of a wimp than I think?! I do love the Kung Fu Fighting song too!