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  1. W

    Need help with binge eating!

    RE: Walking in the Light I have to tell you guys that everything happens for a reason. I haven't been on this forum for a while and just figured I would come and see what is happening. Well this thread got my attention because I have been dealing with this issue for waaaaaaaaaay too many...
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    more total body all weights DVD's...

    jillybean, I am so glad that I hopped back on here and read your reply. I absolutely love, love, love this routine of yours. I printed a while back and just thinks it's great!!! Lynn
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Hi I am not in the best of moods today. I should be getting that not-so-nice visit in a day or two. I wish that I could just go back to bed and hide under the covers!!! I usually have one or two days of just 'don't talk to me' and then I am back to my ol' self. It is...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Oh yeah I feel much better and had a very good day yesterday. Hope that you are doing well. Cardio day for me today hopefully it won't be 100 degrees this afternoon though.
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Oh yeah I want this. I am tired of my body looking older than what I feel on the inside. This flabby stuff has got to take a hike!!! Thanks for sticking with me...... Lynn
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Monday July 17

    Good morning ladies, clicked on your thread by mistake and read that Charlotte suffers from RLS? I have had it since I was 8 years old and it has gotten worse since going into my 40's-I'm 42 now. I have been taking Requip for a few months now and can tell you that it has been a life saver for...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Okay time to face the music here. I promised myself on my first post that I would be 100% honest. This morning I heard my thoughts as I was walking the dog and what I heard loud and clear was "Lynn you haven't changed your lifestyle, you went back to eating crappy and now you have to restart...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Hi Catherine, thanks for the happy thoughts. My back is feeling much better but I have had to come to the realization that I can't do certain things that I was able to do and that I must drive with the lumbar roll that I made. The curve in the back isn't going to get any better and that is...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Day 17 didn't go very well and today isn't starting out as I would wish but sometimes I just have to go with the flow instead of trying to change the direction of life. Yesterday I obviously strained my back and this morning it is not any better, in fact I am thinking about getting it x-rayed...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Hi Catherine, it wasn't fun knowing that his id was stolen but he took care of everything today. My day hasn't turned out as I wished but that is what life is sometimes. I have apparently strained my back today and I am not a happy camper. I have scoliosis and have noticed that my back is...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Catherine, dinner was wonderful. Grilled chicken, fettucine, bread, fruit salad and key lime pie with frozen pineapple and strawberries. I made sure not to stuff myself but I definitely enjoyed it. Not the evening would've been better if someone hadn't stolen my husband's wallet and...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Hi Catherine, feeling much better today. And wonderful for you for making healthier choices. Get this my husband is surprising me with dinner including dessert. Soooooooo just need to make some adjustments. Cut back on my other meals and have promised myself not to stuff myself like I...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Yikes for me yesterday. NOT a good stomach day. I had my breakfast and apparently it was not enough food because about 30 mins. after taking my supplements I had that nauseous feeling alllllllllllll day long. Only had a bowl of cereal and a turkey/low fat swiss sandwich. Oh how gross to feel...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Day 15 for me and feeling good. Looking at the fashions in that movie just cracked me up. Remember the leggings and the headbands? Lordy it looked ridiculous but I wore them.........oh and those wrap around skirts? :7 Accountability for Day 14 Meals: Did not have a my 5 meals due to a...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Actually I was a teenager during the 80's. Had alot of fun!! Born in '63, how about you? My day has been really nice. My MIL and I watched the World Cup and had a blast then my husband got home and was able to watch the end when Italy won. That stadium was amazing. We grilled (salmon for...
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    What is your favorite "cheat food"?

    RE: What is your favorite Okay after a few laughs with everyone's list of their "Oh-no-stay-away-from-me" foods I am going to add my list. Now I warn you it is a doozy and like someone said it's a miracle that I don't weigh 3 tons. Keep in mind that I am half Cuban, EVERYTHING and I mean...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Catherine I figured that they weren't any better than the sun. Atleast you get your Vit. D. from the sun and can enjoy the outdoors. I will confess that I tend to like how I look when I have some color but not at the risk of my skin......... Okay yesterday was a good day for me. Although I...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Hey Catherine a off topic question out of bad is indoor tanning in those booth? I haven't gone in one of those places to ask and of course no one in there would be honest anyway. You know this subject of ours - eating - I have had big time struggles with...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Hhehehehe Catherine I was only joking about the sun while walking. I wear sunscreen along with the iPod......never fear I know what skin cancer looks like and when I'm 80 I don't want holes on my nose. Oh and I must be honest when I'm in my 80's I will thrilled to ease up on the strick...
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    Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

    Hi Catherine, that is what I was thinking yesterday. I just wasn't mentally nor physically into the day in general. I did slept well and feel fine today. I think what is happening is that that inital motivation has weened (sp?) and now is when the mental work has to be done. I am okay though...