Search results

  1. E

    Shoes that love you

    Have you checked out these shoes? I bought some 3 weeks ago and they are so comfortable! I have received many compliments, too. You can interchange the ribbon with any colors (You can buy them at a fabric store pretty cheaply). I just bought a pair in lime green for DD. She is already in...
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    Love/Hate Living with someone

    What do you love/hate about living with your spouse/significant other/roommate? Love: DH spins all of our canned goods and food in the cupboard so that you can see what each item is. This comes from his days working in a grocery store in college. People always comment about it when they see...
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    Fun Adult Games?

    Every year a group of couples goes away for a weekend and it is my job to bring a game for one of the nights. We are headed away soon and I have no ideas for this year!! In the past we have played a homemade version of the Newlywed Game, Taboo and a few other board games. The most fun was...
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    School Fundraising

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what you have experienced as a good fundraiser for an elementary school? Our PTO is looking at changing the fundraiser and I am looking for some suggestions. Please start another thread if you would like to discuss the positives/negatives to...
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    Please vote!!

    Please click on the following link and vote for Children's Hospital of Detroit. We are all so fortunate if we do not have to have a child hospitalized. If we do, Children's Hospital of Detroit would greatly benefit from this! Please share with all you know! Please vote for Childrens...
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    Happy Weight

    Have you seen this? It will tell you that your "happy weight" is supposed to be. It is a realistic number for me (Although I am not quite there yet!!). What do you think? Jenn
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    Dominican Republic

    Has anyone been to the Dominican Republic? I am researching a vacation and have been pondering visiting here. We have been on several Caribbean cruises and are ready for an all-inclusive (I think!). Any thoughts/suggestions? TIA! Jenn
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    Thanksgiving 5K

    I did it!! I ran my first 5K on Thanksgiving morning! I ran with 2 others. One was my niece, who is 13 years old. She asked us to slow down after mile 2 and we walked for a little bit. We picked up the pace again after about a quarter of a mile. Other than that, we jogged the entire race...
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    5K for Thanksgiving?

    I have never run in any races and I have just been asked to run a 5K for Turkey Day. I am in pretty good shape. I have been doing mostly cardio (little weights) for the past month or so. I tested myself on the treadmill on Saturday and I ran a 5K on the treadmill, no incline in 29:18. The...
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    Puppy Chow

    Have you ever had this stuff? A "friend" made some last night and I ate quite a bit of itx( !! Oh well...extra cardio for me today! It really was yummy, though!!! Jenn **edited for typo
  11. E

    Need help for grieving friend

    My friend's mother was just given 3 days to live. I have listened and cried with her to try to help my friend and this is good, but I want to DO something for her and her family. Any ideas besides bringing food to them? I really can't think of how to help them right now, and I am sure that...
  12. E

    Have you tried this travel website? It searches all the other good ones (travelocity, cheaptickets, orbitz, etc.) and lets you know the best price for air, cars, cruises, etc. They aren't an individual website. Once you like a price, they redirect you to the website that has the actual...
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    40th Birthday Idea

    A good friend turned 40 today. She is a runner who inspires many of her friends to run. She is the kind of friend who is always there no matter what, with exactly what you need. A group of us gathered and met her on her morning run at 7:30 this morning to surprise her. We ran with pink...
  14. E

    Can you create a rotation for me?

    I have about an hour per day to commit to working out (I also walk for 20 minutes during my lunch...about 1 mile...three days per week. This is on top of my daily one hour workouts). I have the DVDs listed below, a single disc player, and motivation if someone can help me! My goal is mainly...
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    Benefits of Omega-3 ???

    The new book by Bob Greene says that you should take a multi every day, extra calcium (if you don't get enough) and add an Omega-3 supplement. For those of you who take it, how much do you take? What are the benefits? If you don't take it, why not? TIA, Jenn
  16. E

    so cliche'

    ...but I just did my first workout of 2007 (The December rotation...GSLegs), and I am going to stick with it this year! I have been down to 135 pounds at my lowest and am today at 150 pounds (exactlyx( ) I am in for the no sweets challenge and feel better already! Instead of junk for...
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    Cardio Stride Plus Treadmill $89 at KMart???

    There is a "Cardio Stride Plus Treadmill" 3 position incline with LCD display on sale at K-Mart this week for $89. Is this a total piece of junk or worth it? I need a tradmill for the days when I am too tired or not enough time for a full Cathe workout, or sometimes for add-on cardio. I...
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    What would your number be?

    Our beloved Cathe forum keeps track of the number of posts where we actually contribute...but what if there was a record of the number of posts that you have READ? Mine would be a HUGE number, I am sure. I am a huge lurker and then I come out for awhile and then head back to lurkdom, but...
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    Hey paxy!

    Cheryl~ Thanks for the link to the playmobil website ( I bought one of their advent calendars. It already arrived! I can't wait for Sunday to open the first one! I picked a Christmas Eve scene. Our "elves" will bring it on Saturday night. ( Thanks...
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    A reminder Someone recently posted this site (Carole?) as a way to send thanks to those fighting for our freedom. I just came across it again and thought some would like a reminder about this site, or to see it for the first time. It doesn't take long and it's free! Jenn