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  1. S

    What to eat?

    Just bumping in case anyone has any other ideas, in addition to the really good ones that I've already received.:)
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    What to eat?

    I need help ;( . I have read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and I've calculated how many calories I need to eat. My problem is WHAT to eat? If I need approx. 310 cal/meal and I eat 5 meals, what would I eat? I have the calorie counter that came with the book, but to figure out how to...
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    Attention: Lorihart!

    Hi Lori. I came across an old post about powerstrike millenium kickboxing videos. You said that CK Sales has them but I couldn't find them on their site. When did you buy them? Maybe I missed them somehow? If you could let me know where to get them besides a US site (I'm Canadian too, eh :P...
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    Freestyle Training

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    Freestyle Training

    Just bumping!
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    Freestyle Training

    Here's the rotation that I mentioned that uses Kathy Smith, etc. Now, based on this, what Cathe w/o's can I substitute in place of the others' w/o's? Any suggestions? I would really like to...
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    Freestyle Training

    Hi everyone. I was reading previous posts about freestyle training and am wondering if anyone has, or could create, a rotation for freestyle using Cathe's videos. I found a rotation on another site but it uses Kathy Smith and other instructors' videos and I would like to use all Cathe since...
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    Burning vs. DOMS

    Hi, Clare What I meant by cardio with burning is that when I am doing step, after a while I feel the burning in my thighs. So I was wondering if this was toning or building my quads at all. Does increasing muscle endurance include toning? Maybe I should ask what people mean by toning instead :D
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    Which should I get next?

    Hi, everyone. I know that I'm being annoying by now with all my questions, but I just really trust your advice/opinions. I've been trying to figure out what DVD's to get next (yes, I know that I will likely end up getting all of them at some point). I have BS/BF, PUB/PLB, and LM. After...
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    Burning vs. DOMS

    Hi, there! I have a question for all of you. A co-worker and I were talking the other day about the difference between DOMS and muscle burn from lactic acid. What is happening when you are getting the "burn"? Are you building muscle, toning muscle, or simply burning calories/fat (for...
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    What am I doing wrong?

    You are exactly right, Mariela. So do you think my quads are just not strong enough yet and that is why they burn instead of my hams/glutes?
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    What am I doing wrong?

    Hi, everyone. I'm pretty new to this site but I have a question that has been bugging me for quite a while, and I am sure that you will know the answer. When I do squats/leg presses/lunges, I feel the burn in my quads not in my hams or butt. In fact, I don't feel anything in the back. Is...
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    Pyramids & other DVDs

    Thank you very much Sandra. You have no idea how helpful you've been. I felt like I was just kind of wandering around, doing this w/o or that, without having any real course of action. This will help me immensely with getting a routine going so that I can actually practice "muscle confusion"...
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    Pain in elbow?

    Thanks for your advice! :D
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    Pyramids & other DVDs

    Oh! Almost forgot! I also have Kathy Smith Kickboxing DVD and like that one. I have only done it a few times yet (3) since I'm loving Cathe step so much. If possible could I work that into a rotation with the others? I would like to get a Cathe kickboxing w/o but don't know what to get...
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    Wondering about muscles worked..

    Thanks Snazzy! You are obviously very knowlegable about this so I will of course listen to your advice. So do you think step leans your legs/glutes or does it increase muscle size at all? I was thinking that maybe I should not do so much stepping (favorite so I do it pretty much exclusively...
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    Pyramids & other DVDs

    Aww, thanks you guys :7 . You've, been tremendously helpful. Good ideas! As for time and days to do it, I can usually do every day for 1hr - 2hr except for Mon & Thur which I can spare only 30 min - 1hr. Sat & Sun I can do more than 1 - 2hr if required.
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    Pain in elbow?

    Thanks for your response. I think you are right about the bicep tendon. Oddly, it is on my right which I thought was my stonger side being as I am right handed. I only use db's and only use 7 lb or 10 lbs ones at that! Lord, I AM wimpy if I can't even lift that! :(
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    Wondering about muscles worked..

    I was just wondering what main muscles are worked doing step? Quad, lower butt,..? What would you use for upper butt/hip area? What about upper portion of thighs and inner? Can you tell what parts I have issues with :P . I don't just mean weights but cardio also. Just wondering...