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    Cathe Workouts or Drugs?

    Cathe- Just a note to THANK YOU for your outstanding performance in creating workouts that are challenging and fun. You were my re-entry into exercise after several years of floundering at the gym. By doing your workouts, I've learned to listen to my body instead of constantly comparing...
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    Best exercise route after massive weight loss?

    Bump - Hoping Cathe drops in and has some input.
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    Too Old??

    Never say die! I'm 38 yo, and I just found Cathe's special brand of torture about two months ago. I, too, have had major health issues associated with weighing 300+ lbs. I've lost 120+ now and am working to get the last 40 off. Prior to the last 2 months, exercise was non-existent in my...
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    Best exercise route after massive weight loss?

    Thank you, Shaz! That is very helpful. Looks like I'm actually doing more than this right now. I just got my high step and did the HSC today. Wow, my legs are quivering -- I LOVE IT! It will be very easy to add difficulty as my fitness increases, too. Running/jogging is completely out...
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    Best exercise route after massive weight loss?

    Oh, and Cathe, to give you an idea of the exercise I'm currently doing, I have and utilize the following 7 days/week and modify as necessary. Basic Step Body Fusion Stretch Max [after every workout] I recently ordered Vol 3 Body Blast Series DVD, which includes Supersets and Push Pull...
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    Best exercise route after massive weight loss?

    Dear Cathe- I am a 38 yo female, 5'6", weigh 184 lbs. I have lost 120+ lbs over a period of 3 years with little to no exercise -- just a very healthy, vegetable, fruit, protein-rich food plan with lots of support. As you can imagine, I have a considerable amount of excess skin from the...
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    question about calf muscles

    As an exerciser who is relatively new to Cathe's special brand of torture, ;) I have found that the only way I can mitigate DOMS in the upper calves 24-48hrs post workout is to do Stretchmax. It is a little slice of heaven, and I regard it as a well deserved treat after any of her workouts...