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  1. F

    Please help with chossing a step DVD

    Thanks for your suggestions! I coudn't resist so I just made a hole in my wallet and ordered both DVD's cardio Hits and Intensity series Vol 1. I have read so good reviews about Imax II that I want to try it as soon as possible!! Nil
  2. F

    The Compendium has been emailed

    Hi Lunacat! I am new to the board and would die for a copy too!!! Thank you so much! my emai is: [email protected] :-)
  3. F

    A 60-minute step workout

    This is a great idea! i would like to have a video like this!
  4. F

    Please help with chossing a step DVD

    Hi all! I love step cardio and I just tried the Basic Step and Fusion DVD and loved it. This is my first Chate video by the way. I consider myself an intermediate stepper, and have attended step classes for 5 years now. I would like to get a fun, sweating and not so complicated (choreography...