Search results

  1. S

    Mold in my basement gym?

    Hi there, the environmental field as it pertians to commercial real estate is my area of expertise but for the past several years I have also been involved with indoor air quality matters on both commercial and residential real estate. Identifying a mold problem can be pretty tricky and the...
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    dog fears my DH!

    Sorry to hear you are going through this. I had a similar experience with a great dane rescue dog a couple of years ago. Don't want to scare you, but it took a couple of months for her to get used to my SO. She still growls and runs away if he wears a different hat or its dark and he startles...
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    Another dog question - Any weimaraner tips?

    Shelley's second dog question made me wonder whether there were any weimaraner owners on the forum, and if so, do you have any tips for us with regards to health issues (I've read a ton about bloat), nervousness, and general traits? We rescued a two-year old male a week ago and now we have four...
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    Question for people with multiple dogs

    We just rescued our fourth dog, a purebred weimaraner. My SO just happened to be filling up at a gas station when this man pulled up, saw one of our dogs with my SO and asked if my SO could take his dog. The man started crying and saying he had to get rid of him and was going to "dump" him soon...
  5. S

    Need advice- Ebay ethics

    Hi, if the buyer paid through Paypal I believe there is insurance through Paypal. Also if by chance you sent the video using USPS's Flat Rate service and printed the shipping label on-line, there would be a confirmation/tracking number on your USPS receipt. Hope this helps, Sue
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    Gift ideas for friends

    I'm giving a couple of our friends these wine wetsuits from Built NY along with a bottle of wine. They have other products as well if wine isn't appropriate. I got the one for soda and it really does keep my diet Pepsi cold longer! There are quite a few web vendors which carry them but here is...
  7. S

    calender/workout sheets

    Hi Jes, I use the monthly calendars that are available through Word. There's several formats for the calendar and I just fill in each day with what I plan on doing (my own monthly rotation)and post it on my frig. I use a bright color sharpies to cross each day off, its a little visual "good for...
  8. S

    LOST Fans, Help!

    I taped this week's LOST and it cut-off where Charlie has given Clare the jar of peanut butter and she is opening it. Was there more to the episode? If so, please tell. Thanks, Sue
  9. S

    Cathe Cookbook is HERE!!!!:)

    Looks fantastic, thanks Shelley for your time and effort! And thanks to Emily for hosting it, it made it a snap to get to. I'm tempted to make some of those desserts my main meals for the next few days they look so good!:D Sue
  10. S

    Baked Apple Smoothie Variation

    Thanks to Jane's ("luvtorun")recipe she posted in the Sept 27 Moment of Truth thread, I have been enjoying baked apple smoothies several times a week. They are awesome Jane! This weekend I subbed pears for the apples and boy was that good too. To take it one step further, I subbed chocolate...
  11. S

    Double step DVD

    Hi there, check out Gin Miller's website, Go to the Instrictor Video Section. Her sister (I think), Mary Griffin released a VHS tape called "Zig Zag Step". I bought it a while ago and just couldn't get into it. If this is the same as double step and you are interested...
  12. S

    Roomba Vacuums

    My siblings and I are considering giving our parents one of the Roombas for Christmas. Anyone have one of these and if so, which model and how do you like it? My parents are somewhat "electronically challenged" and do much better with "plug and play" type machinery so ease of use would be a big...
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    Outer thigh workouts

    Hi Mary, I second Debbie's suggestion for GS Legs. I recently started doing this once a week and the floor work fries my inner and outer (and hamstrings) more than any other Cathe leg workout I've done. I can feel the exercises hitting (very hard hits) a particular muscle (don't know what its...
  14. S

    Ghost story

    Great experiences all! My stepfather owns a 100 plus 3-story farm house in this tiny town in New Hampshire. One of the town legends is that one of the former house occupants, a man named Purly Heath, went crazy and his relatives chained him in the attic. My folks spend six months of the year...
  15. S

    new here

    Welcome Kassia! These ladies (and several men) rock! Great amount of knowledge, humor, and compassion expressed on a daily basis. Enjoy! Sue
  16. S

    PMS Patrol

    Well, my SO doesn't call me "Suezilla" at certain times of the month for nothing!}( Aside from the irrational rants and raves (they seem okay to me...), I get an incredibly sleepy feeling for a few days. I'm a bit clumsy also Nicole, I just thought someone was moving furniture around to play...
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    Final August Rotation Check in! YEAH!!

    Yippee!! I completed the Aug rotation this morning. I also let out a loud yell and the dogs and my SO came running to see if I had hurt myself with a weight. I agree that this has been an amazing rotation. I have never followed a structured rotation before so this was a test in several ways. I...
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    August Rotation checkin- Friday, 26th

    Owwwwww, oh my poor inner thighs and hamstrings! Did my 3 mile run and then started GS legs (for the first time). No problem with the standing leg work but about five minutes into the floor work my hams were screaming. The band work killed my inner thighs shortly after:o I loved this workout...
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    A Toast to All!

    Just want to raise a cyber toast to everyone! The humor today in the various threads was great. I must have laughed for a straight hour as I read through them. Great job and thanks for making my abs even more sore!:7 Sue
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    August Rotation 08/25/05

    Hey everyone! Did Bootcamp and KM tonight. Can't believe there's only 2 more days. I would also do this rotation again, but not for awhile, maybe once a year right after the holidays;-) Have a great evening, Sue