Search results

  1. C

    Top in LIC

    I tried to do a search for this but can't find anything. I am pretty sure Cathe is wearing a Nike Top in Low Impact Circuit and I love it. Does anyone know where I can order this top. It is a must have on my Christmas List. Thanks in advance.
  2. C

    OT Anyone suffer from IC and still workout with Cathe?

    I have recently been diagnosed with IC, a chronic disease of the bladder. I must urinate every 20 minutes or so and have a great deal of pain and pressure in my bladder area. I have not been able to do any of Cathe's workouts for about a month as the constant movement leads to increased pain...
  3. C

    Being Sick and Exercising

    I got the whole new series for a Christmas present from my DH. Only problem is I have had a series of small but painful illnesses. Firstly I got a canker sore, followed very closely by an eye infection that has effected both my eyes. I am on an eye drop antibotic plus an oral antibiotic. The...
  4. C

    Weight Loss and Family Reaction

    Don't get me wrong I love my family dearly but every since I decided to change my lifestyle, they do nothing but critize. According to them I exercise too much and I've lost too much weight ( went from 155 to 125 in 8 months, a gradually and healthy loss ) I stopped eating fried foods and...
  5. C

    Anyone else use the Tread Moves Videos?

    Last year my husband and I saved up and bought a really good high end treadmill. Last month I purchased the Tread Moves Video, Cardio, and I just love it. I also purchased the Sports training video and have just ordered on line the new Speed Video and latest Cardio video. Its really cranked...
  6. C

    Muscle Vs Fat

    I was just on another forum reading questions and a very lively discussion has come up about whether fat weighs more than muscle. Seems the girl was told that the scales were two pounds heavily that week because she was exercising and lifting weights now and that muscle weighed more than fat...
  7. C

    RE: Size of Stability Ball

    I know that size shouldn't matter ( he he ) but my stability ball seems to be a lot smaller then the one used in the video. Could this be one of the reasons I am having such a hard time staying on the ball? This move is becoming my nemisis and I will master it!
  8. C

    Rotations and the Terminator Series

    I was just wondering how to work the Terminator series into a rotation or even into a weekly schedule. I usually don't have a set rotation but try and do four cardio's a week and two to three weight sessions. I love these new workouts and want to incorporate them into a weekly session. Is it...
  9. C

    Boot Camp kicked my a**

    Well I attempted Boot Camp this morning and all I can say is WOW. By the sixth cycle my legs and arms were like jelly. And that plank work - just colour me a weakling. I know I will have made it when I can complete all eight cycles and still be able to walk to the bathroom and get in the...
  10. C

    There here! There Here!

    Three cheers for Cathe and Three Cheers for CK sales in Canada! My DVD's have arrived and I spent last night previewing those beauties! I have had the flu for the past three days and don't think I should attempt until I am feeling at least a little better. I don't think my spinning head would...
  11. C

    Any hope for the lonely Canucks?

    Just hoping that all of us Canadians who ordered from CK Sales will get a break when it comes to shipping. We have to wait till the DVD's are shipped to CK and then wait till CK ships to us! The waiting is just about killing me. I too am checking every 5 minutes or so to see if there is an...
  12. C

    I'm listed as a guest

    Just wanted to view one of my posts. My last one said I was a guest and I have been using this forum for three years now. Not sure about the new style, I guess I'm like other people and am afraid of change! Tried to log on and was a lost cyber soul. It's okay now, I e mailed got my new...