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  1. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/12

    Hey Ladies~! I finally got my freak on with Chalene and Lauren that sounds freaky:p! Did CLX Burn Circuit #1 and Lauren Brooks kettlebell Full body Fat Blast. Gosh, I love them kettlebells. I'm too lazy to type it all out, but it was killer no doubt!;):eek: I'm glad some of you...
  2. S

    Food scales?

    Yes, I'm weighing the unopened can. Yeah, I don't want to think I'm eating 3 0z. of chicken, when it's actually 4 or 5 oz. Linda, I do have OCD tendencies.:p I mainly got the scale for meats and cheeses and things, as I'm just guessing at those. I have big hands so who knows if the palm of my...
  3. S

    Food scales?

    I just bought a Mainstays Precision food scale. I'm wondering how accurate food scales are, or maybe how accurate packaged foods are. Example: A 3/4 oz wedge of laughing cow cheese weighs in exact. A 6 oz can of tomato paste weighs in at 7 oz. Anything bottled or canned is weighing high. Is...
  4. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/12

    Morning Maniacs! I'm going to do my workout after work as I have a short day and want to get my freak on during my workout without a time limit.:cool: I'm also feeling the need for speed being cramped up in the house. Cabin Fever is settin' in. I feel like a shorty here at 5' 5" (actually more...
  5. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs January 11, 2008

    I'm 5'5" How tall are you? I really don't like how I look when I'm this high. I look best at about 112-115. I didn't gain over the holidays, I've been this weight for a few months now. I was just hoping for the slightest drop, you know, since I've really been good with the eating this week...
  6. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs January 11, 2008

    Ok. So, no scale for us mental cases;). We will keep at it and weigh at the end of the month. That's my story anyways.
  7. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs January 11, 2008

    Morning Maniacs! Hi Char :). Yeah, where is everyone? Anywhos, today is a rest day, so of course I did CC#2 original and CLX Recharge again. :p Made the HUGE mistake of getting on the scale this morning (I told myself I was only going to weigh once a month). I've been eating SO good and...
  8. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/10

    Hey again! Wouldn't it be fun if we could all get together and go to Body Worlds. We could all point out our past and present injuries, muscle by tendon.:p Yeah, I bet it would keep me awake just looking at the weirdness of it all. My daughter got tickets for 2am. I just didn't want to drive...
  9. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/10

    Here is where they go next in USA. It's almost completely sold out now (only 8 tickets left in the middle of the night). It has been running 24hrs a day for the weekend. Why do I wait until the last minute for things. Why!
  10. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/10

    Hi Suz! We posted at the same time.:cool:
  11. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/10

    Have fun at the mall! Spend that $$$$! It's a good one for a shorty. I think you'll like it. And yes, what would we do without our food issues? Doh, we'd be men! ROFL! Darn it all to H*ll! It sold out! My dd was supposed to get the tickets yesterday and slacked. She's still going to go, but...
  12. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/10

    Morning Maniacs or Freaks or whatever we are!:D This morning I did CLX Burn it off and Recharge. Burn it off is 27 min. of plyo type moves and an excellent workout for that time frame. Chalene really knows how to up that intensity. Recharge is a 20 min. stretch workout that is 90% standing...
  13. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/9

    Good! The real stuff is much better than the powder. Plus, the green powder is so expensive. It tastes like the hay pellets I feed my horses sometimes.:eek:What is the Mix1 drink? Is this something I need, lol?
  14. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/9

    Ok, here's my workout. I did Burn Circuit #3 and then watched No fear fitness and did the joint mobility, deadlift, and swing segments (30 min.). She instructs (since it is a clinic workshop) and I just did dead lifts and swings the whole time she moved around the group...wore me out too! The...
  15. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/9

    We do what we can.:p;) You'll like the book...I'm guessing you figured out it's a real book and not an e-book:cool:.
  16. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/9

    Shana- I've tried the Green shakes (from Metabolism Advantage). I used the Green Plus stuff or whatever it's called and it was HORRIBLE, ekk, phooey! It's much better to just add real greens. I put a couple of handfuls of spinach in all my shakes. It's wonderful that way. Ok, I've GOT to go...
  17. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/9

    I'm such an oddball. I love floor work. I fell in love when Susan Harris from the Firm tried to kill me with it. Remember that? It was murder and know one has ever come up with anything better!:eek:
  18. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/9

    Morning Maniacs! I'm getting ready to do CLX Burn circuit #3 in just a bit. It's lightly snowing and it's pretty cold and windy. Nothing worse than wind when it's cold, brrrrrrrrrrr! I got my "no fear fitness" kettlebell DVD, so I'm going to watch some of that. It's a live workshop, so I'll see...
  19. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/8

    Diane Sue- Thanks! These are some great ideas. There are 2 rest days and some shorter workouts in the CLX rotation, so I think I have quite a bit of flexibility with it.
  20. S

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/8

    Thanks you.:) So, you think doing a kb workout between weights will be ok? Duh, that's just what I did today. Chalene did light weight lifting after heavy yesterday. I might start doing some sections of the AOS workouts and I'm also getting "no fear fitness" by Lisa Shaffer. I hear the segments...