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    Great idea! I forgot about that exercise. That's exactly the muscle that is sore. Thanks, and I'm happy you got your fix in.:cool:
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    Just wanted to say Hi to ya! You can barge in anytime. I lurk over on your Kettlebell thread sometimes and you gals ain't no pansies! Some serious workouts going on over there!:cool: And one day I will get me a gym boss. I've always wanted one.
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    Just got back from my walk with Carma. My shins are still so sore. Could barely walk down the hills. I'm starting to wonder if I have shin splints. Can a person get shin splints from walking? I mean really, can they? Dh and I are heading out tomorrow to Fruita Co. for a weekend of mountain...
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    Morning Maniacs! This morning I did Yoga Shatki's basic flow. I also plan on a walk after work. I've been walking the last few days and it has made me so sore! My shins, my hips, etc. Funny, how I can do a kickbutt Kettlebell workout or go on a kickbutt bike ride and it's the walking that is...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/19

    I'm still adjusting. I can get out of bed this week, but I have zero desire or energy to workout. Hopefully by next week we'll be back to normal.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/19

    OMG Debbie:p! YES! His son Brandon Lee is dead too. Weird thing, they both very young, close to the same age and both while filming. Wikipedia him and you'll get tons of info. on him. He was and still is very influential to a lot of people out there.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/19

    Morning Crazies! Just finished up AOS Newport. Will do a recovery type bike ride later today. Newport: Used 18lb kb throughout...except those darned Sots press mofo's (we are cussers today Deb!). Used a 8lb dumbell for those! Round 1 : Cossack stretch , squat/thrust/snatch (3 mins.)...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/18

    I run like an ole crippled lady if that makes anyone feel any better. You know, when you see someone out there moving along, doing a run/walk/sore-knee-hobble kind of thing and you say, "What the F is that?". Well, that's me.:p I could run as a kid, but then I grew up.:rolleyes:
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/18

    Morning Maniacs! This morning I did Eoin Finn's Short Routine Yoga. It is 45 min., so not so short.:p Dh and I are going on a road bike ride later today. Probably around 20 miles. Still have a full bowl of blueberries outside, so I don't think the robin is Rob. Darnit. Later.......
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    Having my dog neutered

    I have never had an Italian Grey Hound, but I did have 3 Whippets and I know they are similar. Sight Hounds can be sensitive to anesthesia (one of mine was), because of their low body fat. Make sure you go to a vet that recognizes this. Also, ask them to get him into surgery as quick as possible...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/17

    Thanks! I stole him from someone on another forum...shhhh.;)
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/17

    Morning Maniacs! Did AOS Providence this morning. Felt good. Debbie-This rotation you are doing is sounding more cool by the day! :cool: Later...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/16

    Rob was a little baby Robin that my husband and I hand fed all summer last year. He got really comfortable with us and would walk right into the house and land on Carma, follow me around the yard, etc. It was so fun! One day he just disappeared. So maybe, just maybe he survived and came back...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/16

    There really is no way for us to tell if it's Rob. If it is him, he is all grown up with a gorgeous big red chest and has a girl friend that's not all that pretty, lol. I think the only thing that will let us know for sure is if he starts eating the blue berries I put out for him. He loved...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/16

    Morning Maniacs! No workout this morning...just ran out of time! My dh and I think our little Rob the Robin is back! We aren't positive yet, but today we saw what we think is him, checking out the old food dish we had for him that's on top of our shed and he's hanging out in the same tree and he...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/15

    Ended up taking the mountain bikes out for the first time this year instead of the road bikes. Went 16 miles (cuz, we crazy) and I admit, I did cry for my Momma a few times. Totally humbled. Legs are pure jello. Checked out the Ride E-Motion and now I want one, darn you!:p $795 isn't that much...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/15

    Does he have a Rock n Roll trainer for you to test? That would be great to compare that with the roller.
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    Real Housewives NYC

    I've never seen the show, but I did buy the book. I haven't even finished the book yet, but so far, she gives gives you 10 rules and (Im only on the 6th rule) and I already feel better about eating and food! She has some great insights for people like me, who have gotten totally messed up with...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/15

    Morning Girls! I'm heading out for a bike ride with the hubster, our usual 36 miles. As soon as the snow melts on part of our route up the canyon, we can make it a 42 miler.:cool: Hope your weekend has been fun so far. :D Great! Let me know how you like it. It definitely looks like one would...
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    Hardcore Hottie Fitness Maniacs Friday 13th!!!

    Morning Maniacs! This morning (yea, a morning workout, FINALLY!) I did Lauren Brooks, 40 min. Kettlebell workout. I really like this workout. I'm toast by the end. I warmed up and cooled down with the joint mobility section and did my shoulder drills during the breaks. Now, it's off to get ready...