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    What One Food Makes You Wanna Open a Can of Whoop-Ass?

    I also have a cake problem. I CANNOT BE TRUSTED AROUND CAKE. Happily, since I'm vegan and I'm the only person I know who ever makes vegan cake, I can resist the occasional work-related cake land mine. But sometimes when I'm making cupcakes or birthday cake for some special occasion...well...
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    Cute pic of the day

    Kyoot! Reminds me of these photos, which circulated a few years ago. Baby deer just get me every time.
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    TRacey Staehle new kickbox dvd

    I like this one, too. Although the off-the-beat moves in SZ didn't ruin the whole workout for me, I did notice it and I would've been happier overall if everyone had been kicking and punching in time with the music. But even with that minor (to me) issue, I still love SZ and do it often...
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    Is anyone out running in the cold?

    OK! You have motivated me to bundle up and head out in the cold! I always enjoyed cooler weather for running (so much less sweaty) but the last few winters have been so mild, I guess I've gotten spoiled. Good to know I'm not alone - I have access to a treadmill but I can't stand it - I need...
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    Is anyone out running in the cold?

    It's been well below freezing here for weeks now, with patches of ice on the sidewalks and giant piles of snow obstructing most of my favorite running routes. Consequently, I have taken all my workouts indoors - not a big deal, I've acquired many new fun DVDs and am enjoying doing some new...
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    It's not so much the meaning of the words as it is the somewhat...unconventional contexts in which they have been employed. To wit: I know what all those words mean...I just don't know what the entire word salad is intended to express. That being said, I'm pretty sure that a bradawl is...
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    Question about Cathe's January rotation

    I think the Gym Styles would stand in very well - STS has different combinations of exercises, but it's basically a 3-day split (I think - isn't that right?) so if you have GS and some of her other workouts you ought to be able to design a similar plan. Meso 1 is endurance-focused, so...
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    Need tips for making it through the week

    I don't have any advice, but I totally want to play hooky tomorrow. Arg! Not ready!
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    Question about Jari Love

    Hi there - I just did a Jari Love workout this morning! So it's all fresh in my mind. In my opinion, there isn't anything in the Cathe library that really compares - Cardio & Weights is the closest, but most of Cathe's stuff is a little more strength-intensive. JL uses light weights and...
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    No problem, just bradawl them back into your intelligence.
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    "Bradawl them into your intelligence" - hee! Whatever, random marketing forum "member."
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    Well Wishes For A-Jock

    Oh! How awful. My condolences and sympathy go out to you and your family. Judging from your humorous and intelligent posts on this forum, you are a person of tremendous character, and I am sure you will persevere - but this must be so terribly hard. Best wishes and ((((((hugs))))))!
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    Success with an eating plan??

    I have the best success when I don't buy anything "dirty" - then I only have healthy whole foods in the house. On nights when I just don't have time or inclination to cook, I can always throw together a salad or have some soup (I like Dr. McDougall's, which I recently discovered at my local...
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    Success with an eating plan??

    Amen, sister. :p
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    Success with an eating plan??

    I'm vegan and so I eat lots of carbs, but I cut out all refined sugars (umm...except last week :D), cut out almost all highly processed foods and stick mainly to whole, natural fruits, veggies, nuts & seeds and legumes. I started shedding pounds pretty quickly by sticking to this "plan." My...
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    any other large busted cathlete's?

    I went to try to find a bra at Victoria's secret recently and had looked through every dang drawer in the store and couldn't find my size. When I finally attracted the attention of a salesperson, she said they DID have my size, but she had to go into this room behind the dressing rooms where...
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    How about some happy dog stories? (Long)

    Cynthia - I love how expressive Maximus' face is! Every time I see a photo of him, he definitely looks like he has something to say. And I agree - Boxers are so athletic, they make running look effortless - playful and graceful. I love watching dogs run! I also love looking at dog pictures. I...
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    How about some happy dog stories? (Long)

    I've never been able to get the picture thingy to work, either. But here are some links! Here's Greta (the grey one) and Afreet (the black one) out for an adventure with me. Here's Greta enjoying a nap in her favorite spot during the snowstorm a couple weeks ago. And here's...
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    any other large busted cathlete's?

    I have an Enell and I know what you mean - I feel like I'm wearing body armor! It works, but it's not my favorite bra. I really like Title Nine's frog bra. It pretty much smooshes me flat and there's minimal bouncing. I don't particularly care about how my chest looks when I'm working out, so...