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    Sleepover question

    I'm not a Mom, but I used to be a little girl and my best friend growing up was a boy. We both stayed over at each others' houses almost every weekend from age 6 until my family moved away (around age 12 or so) and we never did anything dicey. We're still friends, and we never did anything that...
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    A question for the early birds

    I find that just having the coffee helps. For really long and/or butt-kicking workouts, I try to save those for the weekend or make some time in the afternoon. There's just no time in the morning for me to eat something - I get up at 4am and have to be out the door by 5:30...and there ain't...
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    Benefit of circuit training?

    I'm obviously not Cathe and I don't speak for her; I can only offer my own perspective. I LOVE circuit workouts. I incorporate lots of them each week, but I also do some regular cardio. Some days, I have a shorter attention span during workouts and changing up the exercises and sequences...
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    Panic!! I can't find my cat!

    Canvass all the neighbors! Put open cans of super-smelly cat food outside! Call all local shelters and the pound! The faster you cover all these bases, the more likely you are to find your little guy. Fingers crossed for you & Merlin!
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    I'm DOOMED with bad "dog"luck!

    Janie: I just checked out the first picture in your post and it's true - total cutie pie! To chime in with LauraMax: my two "little old ladies" are almost twelve years old. They have some lipomas, and both have recurring skin conditions that don't improve with changes in food. I had them both...
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    I'm DOOMED with bad "dog"luck!

    Whoa. Well, I'm not a veterinarian, but I have worked with dogs for years and I've seen many dogs whose back legs turn out a bit ("cow hocks"). It doesn't inevitably lead to hip dysplasia or knee problems - sometimes dogs just have turned-out toes. I am a teensy little bit alarmed because...
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    pantyhose or no?

    NO! Rock your sweet Cathe-toned legs the way nature intended. Pantyhose suck!
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    Car shopping--need advice

    OK, I know that once you've fallen in love, you don't want to hear anything bad about the object of your affection...but my advice would be OMG DON'T BUY THE LIBERTY!! My company got a Jeep Liberty at the exact same time I bought my little Toyota Yaris. I bought the Yaris because I'm poor and...
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    I've been on 88 mcg of synthroid for ages and I've never experienced any side effects at all!
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    Runners with dogs....

    I used to run with my two little schnauzers (they are older now, so we just walk) - I always just hold their leashes. It's the safest, surest way to keep them under control. I keep treats in my pockets, baggies tied to the leash handles, and I have a detailed mental map of every possible poo-bag...
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    Frustrated about my lack of measurable progress

    As a fellow vegan, I can recommend: Vega Sport protein (NOT the Whole Food Health Optimizer) actually tastes pretty good. I'm also a fan of the Sun Warrior Brown Rice Protein, which is pretty good, especially when blended with a little fruit. That being said, I actually LIKE Vega. I do 1...
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    Wedding etiquette?

    As far as I know, everyone who is invited to the wedding shower is SUPPOSED to be invited to the wedding - but the shower is also supposed to take place about 4-6 weeks before the wedding, in which case you really should have received an invitation (or at LEAST a save-the-date) by now. I'd...
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    I feel so guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well, I can totally relate. I love many of Cathe's workouts, but I just can't get my head into STS at all. I don't mind lifting heavy weights. I've been in kettlebell-land for months now, and I'm very happy here! I just got SO BORED doing STS. I'd get all psyched up about it, get all ready...
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    So what do you think. . . .

    I LOVE IT! It looks confident and powerful! It's sleek and sassy and ultra-fabulous. :)
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    Vegan Cookbook Suggestions Please :)

    I also like Vegan Planet. Have you checked out Bryant Terry's Vegan Soul Food, Lauren Ulm's Vegan Yum Yum, or The Veganomicon (by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero)? These are my favorite go-to volumes for recipe ideas right now. And everything I've tried from each of these has come...
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    Help finding lost wedding ring

    Alas, I think gold is non-magnetic - and so are silver and titanium. Unless the ring is made of some sort of iron alloy, I don't think the magnet will work...but it's a brilliant idea for lost keys! :)
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    Help finding lost wedding ring

    You could see if there is an metal detecting society or club in your area - contact them and see if they would be willing to help! I know it might sound crazy, but they really might be able & willing to help. I know our local metal detecting club president helps people find lost jewelry...
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    Pavel and Kettlebells

    I don't have any of Pavel's books or DVDs, so can't speak to the first part of your question, but as for the second, YES. Even though KB exercises use different combinations of muscles in different ways, improvements in strength absolutely "translate" to traditional weight work. I've definitely...
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    kettlebell questions

    When I started kettlebells, I thought I should go super-duper light (7lb, 10lb) at first - but I quickly discovered that you can & should go a little heavier than you think you should, even as a beginner, in order to ensure that you are using proper form. For example, I can't do (many)...
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    Katherine Heigel as Stephanie Plum?

    I actually think Heigl could be just right for the part. I haven't seen her in much - in fact, I think I've only seen her in the first few episodes of Grey's Anatomy - but who knows? The photo I've seen of her with brown hair doesn't look too far off the mark to me. But seriously, who cares...