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  1. B

    Any Football Fans Out There?

    I am so excited to see the Saints have gotten this far. I live in Thibodaux which is just outside of New Orleans and let me tell you, we are all eating this up. I would also love to see the Colts win this weekend, but their defense is pretty terrible. So that's my wish, to see the Saints and...
  2. B

    Getting-to-know-you confessions

    I am also painfully shy and have low self confidence. I have gotten a lot better than when I was a child though. I have been with my husband for nine years and the poor thing has yet to see me walk around naked. Too much information or what? What else.......... I am an animal lover and...
  3. B

    New DVD Shipping Alert!

    Nevermind again!:7 I put dashes with my phone number like an idiot. It's shipped already!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!! I think I need more coffee, my brain just isn't functioning yet.
  4. B

    New DVD Shipping Alert!

    Nevermind, I found it. But wondering why they can't seem to find my order......I ordered over a year ago. Great, I hope nothing's wrong with my order.:-(
  5. B

    New DVD Shipping Alert!

    This may sound like a stupid question, but where is Cathe's easy track?? I can't seem to find it and I want to see if I have a confirmation number. Thank you in advance!!! Barbara
  6. B

    Dyson vaccuum cleaners

    I have a Dyson also. I absolutely love it. The attachment for furniture gets cat hair out like nothing i've ever used. I read somewhere in a post before mine about a 2 year warranty - Dyson started giving their vaccuum cleaner a 5 year warranty. Good luck to you. It took a long time for me...
  7. B

    Hi All~Some very sad news!

    I am so sorry to hear this - so sad. I couldn't even imagine. My thoughts are with her and her family during this time. Barbara
  8. B

    Jeans for fall!

    My favorites right now are my jeans from Aeropostale. I'm a pear shape and in need for long length and they always seem to have something to fit me. They are ultra low rise and slightly flare at the bottom. I love how they fit! I do have some Gap curvy and long and lean - these are good too...
  9. B

    what's on your keychain

    I'm always so tempted to put more stuff on my keychain, but I make my husband hold them if we go somewhere, so he has some say so in it. x( All I have is a mini maglite flashlight, a frog, and a humane society member's metal. Barbara
  10. B

    What do you do instead of eat?

    I'm no help either. When I had a rough day at school I want a glass of wine! Yeah, I know this isn't good. :( Barbara
  11. B

    NJ Governor is taxing health club memberships!

    Kathryn for president!!!:7
  12. B

    Where does everyone live???

    Thibodaux, Louisiana for the last 9 years now.
  13. B

    Just started Nursing School, any advice

    I'm in nursing school also. I graduate in may thank god. My one piece of advice is to study hard for those tests. When you think you studied enough, study some more. Nursing school is one of the hardest things i've ever had to do. You have to stay strong mentally, don't keep doubting...
  14. B

    What did you make for dinner???

    Chicken enchiladas, the healthy way of course!:-) Barbara
  15. B

    Hug, Kiss or Shake?

    I don't like all that touching either with someone other than my DH. I voted for handshake, but would actually rather just be able to say hello with a smile. Barbara
  16. B

    Our dog died yesterday

    I am so sorry for your loss. It's amazing how these wonderful creatures effect our lives. They are truly a part of the family. Barbara
  17. B

    FIRM to Cathe...any success stories out there?

    The Firm was all I used to do and it gave me great results, but I plateaud. Then I found Cathe. She helped me lose the last 10 lbs. or so and I now have great endurance. I guess you just get to a stage where you need more advanced workouts and she's definitely the answer. Barbara
  18. B

    Say Thanks

    I just sent one! Thanks for this site! Barbara
  19. B

    Most attractive men in hollywood...

    Wentworth Miller from Prison Break, Chris Walker from Running Scared, Scott Podsednik from the Chicago White Sox, and of course, Brad Pitt are to me by far some of the greatest looking men! Look them up, you'll see!.:9 Barbara
  20. B

    UPDATE 7/28/06

    Myspace Layouts This is sooooo exciting! I can't wait for the videos and the surprise! Barbara