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  1. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Hi Ladies ~ :) Had a great day. Willpower was strong. Visited my boyfriend @ his pizza shop for lunch, took a EAS Lo-Carb bar and was happy, even though everyone around me was eating pizza & cheese steaks. I enjoy my free day too much to screw it up! :) Has anyone tried the Turbo Jam...
  2. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Gayle~ Sounds like your paint job is going to be great, I love those colors. Can you post some pics? Please! :) I actually bought some Taupe paint to paint my bedroom, but I haven't opened the can yet. I love the Taupe/Blue color look. But I also, love Green (fave color).:) Yes...
  3. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Hi Heidi~ I have been speaking to my son about her since Day1. You know how you 1st meet someone and you can feel this is not right. Well, that was w/ her. She is playing him something fierce! Their is so many things she has done that I wouldn't have time in a day to explain. I guess he...
  4. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    G'Morning Ladies ~ :) Gayle~ Enjoy painting today, maybe I should get on the ball and get some done too...too lazy though :) Oh, yeah..gave DS a good BOP. I did speak w/ the bank last night after reviewing the statement over and over again. Here, the money was deposited in the bank...
  5. Fitness-Mom


    Hi Guys~ Just coming in to say Hello! Getting ready to go relax for a bit before I have to pick up my son over his GF's house. He is so on my sh*t list today. Besides the 3-days In school suspension from stealing chicken nuggets at school .. LOL I got his bank statement in the mail today, he...
  6. Fitness-Mom


    Hi Everyone~ Getting ready to roll out the door and go home, FINALLY! :) Gayle~ I was thinking of pulling out KP&C. I love this DVD, and haven't done it in a long time! I don't have Kick Max, is this a must have? I heard the leg drills are kick butt :) No big plans for the...
  7. Fitness-Mom


    Hi Ladies~ Thanks for your advice! I did finally speak w/ the school, and he is just going to have to learn his lesson and do the 3-days ISS. The principal even told me they considered calling the police. I said, "over $3 nuggets?" YEP! Little harsh I think! On top of all this there is...
  8. Fitness-Mom


    Good Morning, Michelle~ Not a dork at all. I have been previewing the new 4DS series for over a week. The step seems more complex in this series, I would like to start a rotation sometime after Xmas. No news regarding my son In School Suspension. I totally agree that is a little severe...
  9. Fitness-Mom


    Woo Hoo ~ TGIF!! :) I can't wait until I can sleep in a little bit tomorrow! Step Blast (Blast only 1-time) and Kickbox from 4DS! Great workout! Little under a hr. My legs didn't feel like they wanted to move much doing step, probably b/c they were a little sore from S&H Legs...
  10. Fitness-Mom

    ~*BFL*~ Thursday!!

    Hi Ladies~ It is such a LOOONG day, can I go home now? Pretty please? LOL :) Ok, so my DS (16) calls me. He goes on to tell me something happened at school today, "ok, this can't be good!" He got caught stealing from the lunch cafeteria (something like chicken ??). He had a meeting...
  11. Fitness-Mom

    ~*BFL*~ Thursday!!

    Hi Ladies~ DOMS are slowly starting to set in, in my legs .. :) Just enough where I can feel that they were worked, but nothing major. I know I have to start increasing my weights on my leg workout, but I will probably have to go to the gym for this or purchase additional dumbbells...
  12. Fitness-Mom

    ~*BFL*~ Thursday!!

    Good Morning, Ladies ~ :) Snow here, only about 1 inch or so, but enough to make a nice mess for driving. Kids had a 2-hour delay this morning from school. The school called bright and early @ 5a.m. w/ the recording. Woke me up, furious I was thinking it was my DS girlfriend calling...
  13. Fitness-Mom

    *~*Hump Day Weds*~* BFL

    Hi Ladies~ :) Just popping in to say Hello! Snow is coming down pretty good here, but unfortunately they are only calling for 1 inch...hopefully we will get more. Heidi~ What color are you thinking of painting the dining room? I have been wanting to paint my bathroom for months...
  14. Fitness-Mom

    *~*Hump Day Weds*~* BFL

    You know you can't win... I heard once you start exercising again, you lower your immune system before it gets higher.. Is there any truth to this? Heck, I eat clean, exercise and still get sick, I eat like crap, and never get sick...what is it, do I need to go grab a donut? LOL :) :9...
  15. Fitness-Mom

    *~*Hump Day Weds*~* BFL

    Good Morning, Heidi~ Sounds like you have a great workout planned for today! GS Series fries me all the time. This is the last week of S&H Rotation, maybe I will do a 4-week rotation using Gym Styles next! I am going to start 4DS beginning of Jan. I was previewing the workouts again...
  16. Fitness-Mom

    *~*Hump Day Weds*~* BFL

    Good Morning, Ladies ~ :) Calling for snow today! Gayle, Is it snowing up towards you yet? Happy Hump Day :) Still congested, can't understand why I can't shake this cold. I think I am feeling fine when I wake up, and then I get out of bed and do my normal routine and I feel the...
  17. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Tuesday....countdown to Christmas

    Thanks for all the ideas for snacks, kind of getting bored here w/ CC/Yogurt the majority of the time! Gayle~ How do you make you egg white salad? What type of tortilla have you been using? I think the last ones I picked up are by; LaBanderita (LoCarb,LoFat Soft Taco) 81 calories, 2G...
  18. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Tuesday....countdown to Christmas

    Hi Heidi~ LOL ~ I soon as I read your post about coughing on the keyboard, I coughed....:) I was just in my supervisor's office, and she said, "Your sick, get out of here." LOL - She is the one that called me in. I hear you about moving. I would love to get out of PA. My BF and...
  19. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Tuesday....countdown to Christmas

    Hi Heidi~ Wow, Cayman...can I come :) I would love to take a vacation right now! Next vacation we take will be to Italy to visit his family. It's killing my BF, he hasn't been home for 5+ yrs now. I know, this team is great! This is W5, and when I quit the last time. My eating...
  20. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Tuesday....countdown to Christmas

    Hi Ladies .. :) Just stopping in to say Hi ... Just got back from the gym, pushed as hard as I could on the treadmill. My "10" was @ 7.0 mph for the last 30 sec @ 1.5 incline. I could feel my chest burning, so I don't think it was a good thing. I seriously felt like I was going to...