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  1. buffettgirl

    Happy Birthday jodijodi!!!!!

    Happy Birthday, Jodi!!!
  2. buffettgirl

    <--I want to go where it's WARM!

    <---wonders what makes the part of Cleveland Carrie lives in Greater than other parts? <---is home after a not too bad drive on slippery roads <---says the worse part was the unshoveled drive <---wonders why the drive was unshoveled when DH had a snow day and was home all day <---better not open...
  3. buffettgirl

    <--I want to go where it's WARM!

    <---tells Stebby <--works in metric at work in the lab, but otherwise is metrically challenged <---is glad Liann made it home yesterday and tells her to get someone to doing the driving for her on Saturday (tell the Bridezilla to come get you if she wants you) <---asks TeTe for the Krispy Kremes...
  4. buffettgirl

    <--I want to go where it's WARM!

    <----waves goodmorning from the winter wonderland that is north central PA <---has only gotten about 3 inches so far, but the roads were a slippery, slimey mess <---can't wait to drive home this afternoon after it snows all day <---is LOL at Stebby measuring snow in cm <---wonders what else...
  5. buffettgirl

    Interesting quote from Jillian

    I have another quote from Jillian. My 22 year old DD was working out with one of her DVDs and Jillian says, "Come on, this isn't your mother's workout." DD said, "Phhhhhtttt, you haven't seen my Mother work out!"
  6. buffettgirl

    Happy Birthday mindy999!!!!!

    Happy Birthday, Mindy!
  7. buffettgirl

    <--These are the best of times

    <---pops in to say work was a bear today <---hasn't had any time to get on the forum <---hasn't even read ^^^^ <---misses you and will try to catch up later <---is going out for Thai right now <---is licking her lips in anticipation
  8. buffettgirl

    Steig Larsson fans

    What about Elizabeth George? Another of my favorite authors.
  9. buffettgirl

    <--- Here from the King's mountain view...

    <---rushes into Stephanie's kitchen with a fire extinguisher! <---says Yikes, young lady - Be More Careful!!!!
  10. buffettgirl

    <--- Here from the King's mountain view...

    <---would never consider Stephanie a bad habit!!! <---would consider chatting with Stephanie via the internet when getting paid to work is a bad habit <---thanks Michele for the link <---is off to immerse herself in all things Melody
  11. buffettgirl

    Steig Larsson fans

    Nancy, I loved all of the Mary Russell books too. I got Played with Fire today! When I reserved it, the library said estimated wait was 17 days! I guess whoever had it zoomed right through it. I have to finish Lolita first though. I don't know how you guys can read multiple books at one time...
  12. buffettgirl

    <--- Here from the King's mountain view...

    <---wonders if Michele could post or email me the website for Melody's blog? <---lost it when the old computer died <---has been thinking a lot about Melody lately, with all the old days talk <---is glad Michele keeps up to date
  13. buffettgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    Nancy, I'm not sure I could stomach seeing Lolita on the large screen. It's disturbing enough imagining it. But my goodness, how erotic without using any graphic or 4 letter words!
  14. buffettgirl

    <--- Here from the King's mountain view...

    <---has a student with her today <---doesn't want to teach him bad habits <---has given him a chore on the other side of the room, allowing <--to steathily post here <---doens't have time to answer hard questions posed by Ms Braintrustlimecat - dessert island indeed! <---could probably take any...
  15. buffettgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    Nancy, I've heard Played with Fire is even better and can't wait to read it. I put a hold on it at the library. I didn't realize the third hadn't been released yet! I hate to wait. I started Lolita this weekend. (Yes, Lainie) It's much more readable then I expected. Disturbing how you kind of...
  16. buffettgirl

    Steig Larsson fans

    Nancy, I just finished Tattoo, at your suggestion, and thanks! At least I have two more to go before I have to mourn.
  17. buffettgirl

    The Happy Story Thread

    Wow Tammy, that IS quite a gift! Michele is right. I've also been a recipient of cards, gifts, calls etc from some of the wonderful women I've met through Cathe that have helped get me over some of life's speed bumps. And speaking of Cathe, I remember during the 2007 RT, several women walked...
  18. buffettgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    I love Amy Tan. I liked Saving Fish, but some of her other stuff is even better.
  19. buffettgirl

    i beat a binge

    Great work! You're an inspiration to those of us who binge. :D
  20. buffettgirl

    The Happy Story Thread

    These are all kinds of things I'd wish I'd done. I always see something, then get in my car, end up at home and think, why didn't I (fill in the blank). But I'm proud to say my DH is one of those generous and kindhearted, spontaneous people. He's paid dinner bills for people who looked like they...