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  1. buffettgirl

    <--let the sun shine, let the sun shine in

    <---loves Stephanie's avatar! <---would have cried at the skating last night if <--would have been able to see said skating <---has been having TV reception issues and DH is procrastinating about the solution <---hates having to miss Olympics, as well as Super Bowl <---hasn't read much of the...
  2. buffettgirl

    <--let the sun shine, let the sun shine in

    <---also finds it hard to believe that Liann is only 4 months from a different kind of labor <---wonders if Liann realizes that the mother of the Princess is the Queen <---hopes Liann uses that title to become The One Who Must be Obeyed <---sends Suzanne a hug for her woes <---has dealt with...
  3. buffettgirl

    <--let the sun shine, let the sun shine in

    <---is so totally tired of winter <---heard the weatherman use the "S" word for tonight through Friday and almost tossed my coffee cup at the set <---could use some OAL therapy <---wonders if any OALers need a sunny, 80F day too
  4. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - Tuesday

    I'm just about to start 40/20. My diet has been good so far, but I feel an emotional binge coming on. Hopefully by posting this, I'll head it off. Linda,LOL at going to be early to avoid overeating. I'd have to go to bed about 5! Carolyn, I've been gloomy and uninspired the past couple days...
  5. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - Monday

    Hi ladies. Linda, I had a little meltdown over the weekend too. Saturday was a planned cheat day and was right back on track Sunday until the evening. Then I found the hershey kisses and oatmeal cookies. Back to the drawing board. So far so good today. Cheryl, I rarely shovel snow. That's...
  6. buffettgirl

    Out of the Rut - Sunday

    Hi all. Today was supposed to be a rest day for me, but since I'm working screwy hours tomorrow (10-6:30), I decided to put off my rest until then. I just finished a 2 mile run and STS disc 19 Chest, shoulders and triceps. My eating is right back on track, after yesterday's cheat day. We always...
  7. buffettgirl

    Getting Out of the Rut - Saturday

    I had started a thread, but it must have been way down the page. I'll just paste: Good morning ladies of the rut. Anyone have fun plans for the weekend? We were hoping to go away, but couldn't think of anyplace to go, so we are settling for a nice dinner...
  8. buffettgirl

    Weekend climbing out of the RUT

    Good morning ladies of the rut. Anyone have fun plans for the weekend? We were hoping to go away, but couldn't think of anyplace to go, so we are settling for a nice dinner out tonight. That means today will be a cheat day for me, meal-wise. I did a double workout earlier in the week so I could...
  9. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the Rut - Friday

    Done with STS disc 18 - back and biceps. I'm broiling fish for dinner, with a salad and green beans. DH is taking me out for a nice dinner tomorrow, so I guess I'll take a little cheat day. Sallie, good luck with the adoption. I think it's nice that you want siblings that a little older...
  10. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the Rut - Friday

    Gotta share!!!! DH just called with the news that he got tickets to the Jimmy Buffett concert in August!!! If you know anything about me (buffettgirl), I'm a HUGE Buffett fan. I can.not.wait!!!!! Whoot!
  11. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - Thursday...

    I'm back and well fed - salad and chicken chili again. Lisa, I love breakfast food! I'm sorry about your troubles with your DD. I don't get this generation. I could tell you stories about my 22 year old DD that would curl your hair (if it's straight - it would straighten it if it is curly) It...
  12. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - Thursday...

    Hi all. I just got done with MMA:Boxing. I really like that workout. The eating has been good today too, mostly because of this check-in, because I'm starving. I'm going to go get a protein shake, then decide what leftovers I'm having for dinner. One nice thing about cooking for 2, but making...
  13. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - Tuesday

    Athletic Step and Ab Circuit Yoga done. Whew. I don't mind telling you that the chocolate orgy was fun, but I sure did feel it while working out. Something to remember next time I think I need chocolate. slwitt, hey, you're right! Now the cake is done. Make a promise not to stop at Macky D's...
  14. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - Tuesday

    Good morning all. Jodi, I hope you got your workout done first thing! You may recall that eating is my particular rut, and that I also metioned that we are celebrating Chocolate is a Vegetable Day here at work. It is a huge success and the treats people brought in are unbelievable. So I...
  15. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - New check-in - All are welcome!

    Ellie, I'm not sure cleaning your house counts as a workout. Better come clean mine too, just to be sure. Jodi, LOL at starting a check-in for those of us addicted to check-ins.
  16. buffettgirl

    <--Sunday, Monday, Happy days!

    <---is sure Liann's friend will chunk out now that her wedding is behind her <---hopes Liann told everyone about Baby Liann, so they knew she was gestation-ally enlarged <---tells Jodi to take it easy with the towel and wishes her luck with the workout!
  17. buffettgirl

    Getting out of the rut - New check-in - All are welcome!

    Hi Jodi and all the rest of you rutters. I'm notorious for joining check-ins, then wandering away, but I'll give this one a try! Why now, since I think I'm checking in at least 3 other places on the internet. I think I'm a little check-in obsessed. I have no problem with fitting in the...
  18. buffettgirl

    <--Sunday, Monday, Happy days!

    <---welcomes LoDo with open arrows <---imagines she'll be having many more that 5 servings of "veggies" tomorrow <---asks what else Fat Tuesday is good for <---waves to Liann <---wonders how the wedding was <---bets Mama Liann was beautiful
  19. buffettgirl

    Going Public

    You go, Cheryl!
  20. buffettgirl

    <--Sunday, Monday, Happy days!

    <---waves good-morning to the folks of Catheland <---is wallowing in a weekday off work <---will have to stop wallowing soon and start Hiit Double Waving <---reminds you all the tomorrow is Chocolate is a Vegetable Day <---says at least it is where <--works <---made a yummy chocolate...