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    Canadian Election

    The USa is a vastly different country to the rest of the English speaking world. The other English countries have tended to harmonise more easily. The USA does not understand the rest of the English speaking world as they have not been vastly exposed to it. In conclusion the USA does things...
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    Hardcore Hottie Fitness Maniacs of the Universe Oct 2, 2008

    Thanks. I do not like to see anyone being nasty to the regurlar ladies in this section. You are all very considerate to others when help is asked for. Want you all to know I am glad that you post. I enjoy reading about how you are all progressing. Thanks for a warm and kind section.
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    Hardcore Hottie Fitness Maniacs of the Universe Oct 2, 2008

    I do not belong to this group but have gleaned alot of information from reading their posts. I do not really care whether they do what they say but they are a wealth of information. Its a bit low to complain about spelling, grammer and accuse others of being liars. Its not the place to...
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    Economic Bail Out Article

    Whatever the outcome, the position of the United States of America as a super power global player has changed for good. Never trust ever what a politican states.
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    I have Tendonitis for the last month. I am leaving well alone and doing cardio only. it is easing but when it finally heals I will be reviewing my weight lifting regime. This is a warning from my body to me. A warning not to be ignored.
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    So, who won the debate?

    THe average US citizen gets a very poor deal from the goverment. Having viewed other countries and really digging into what the citizen actually gets! Well, its been an eye opener. Wall Street has become too powerful. Very low interest rates did not stimulate growth only a flase dawn. The...
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    So, who won the debate?

    Politicans never answer a question with a straight answer. Therfore the lot of them world wide are a pack of dodgers. So send in the Treminator. Instant clean resloutions.....
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    Tracey Staehle is a master of Core

    Agree, nice for a change to come at from another angle. I like variety.
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    Economic Crisis

    What's missing easy. RESPECT R realise not E everyone has the S same P point of view. E emotional C controlusually prevents T trouble.
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    Economic Crisis

    Ladies, nothing better than a guid fight to make me smile. As to God. G go O out and D do it. Looking forward to hearing the results of your endeavours!
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    Economic Crisis

    Stack of cards is an excellent description of AIG. Usa goverment now have an 80% stake in this company. If it had went down it would have effected at 70,000,00 Us citizens. Its off shoots arew massive world wide. Plane leasing etc. Bitmover page 1 is spot on. BBC gives full and accurate...
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    Rumble--my review

    Got to agree with everything that Laura has stated.
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    $ 1,200 for health insurance

    At least as a USA citizen resident inthe UK you have benefitted from the NHS. On this site I have seen alot of bashing towards "socialised" European medicine. Europe may tax us to the hilt, but at least you have a medical service in place for the benefit of the nation state not the insurance...
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    SNM - Drill Max question

    I took the other option. Bought a cheap dvd from supermarket. All previous dvd's that played up now play fine. Now I would not invest in an expensive dvd player.
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    puppy won't sleep

    Having had 2 labs. this is as much "training the primary caregiver" as bonding with Mum and Dad. Yes, it may be a pup but this adorable little lump will emerge more human than dog. Roll those eyes pup Mummmy is taking it all in. He will settle down. I remember it all very well indeed.....
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    frustation over clueless family members!

    toffeedog i am 48 and over the years I have learnt that it better to keep my mouth shut. That way no hassles with those who do not RELATE to my interests.
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    Anyone having Password Problems Please Read

    thanks Whoever sortrd out the mess THANK-YOU.