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    Profits Before Patients - A PBS Interview w/Bill Moyers

    As a Brit the NHS is a national treasure. It is not perfect what system is. Its paid for via taxation and is rationed. However if you are fit and healthy you do not go near the doctor. In 1948 the then Labour goverment set up the NHS. Prior to this if you could pay you did PAY what you...
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    Australian Couple vs. Bank

    Old news. This was reported early on the week in the UK.
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    LG Washing Machine

    Us Europeans have had front loaders for years. Pays your money and takes your chance. Some run for years some conk out. All mass made usually from generic parts. Not much choice between the cheaper makes. European homes usually have the washing macine in the kitchen due to us having smaller...
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    Cathes been airbrushed!

    Guid means good. Taught means tight. Its from Scotland and I was paying Cathe a compliament. Skin as tight as that on a drum. Guid good the discussion was quite juicy. Us Brits have a different sense of humour from the USA. Scots even more so. Keep it ladies. I love a guid brawl...
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    Cathes been airbrushed!

    After years of weight training and aerobics after following gymnastics as a child. Cathe's fat cells will have squeezed out any fat that tries to settle under her skin. Ladies have a guid laugh. Cathe's skin will be taught, muscles squeezed after years of exercises and she'll watch what she...
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    Susan Boyle (Britains Got Talent)

    A truly heart warming story that had brought a smile to many a face. She is from a village west of Edinburgh which is tough area. Very modest means. Truly delightful. Paul potts was Welsh. This lady is Scottish.
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    First Lady Fashions at G20 summit

    The Usa actually have a "Princess Di" ripple with Michelle Obama. Lady is a class act.
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    Think President Obama needs a little help...

    Dear old Queen is a real pro. Obama and the rest of them are amateurs. Came to the throne in 1952. Puts UK and Commonwealth before party politics. Politicans could learn a lot from this lady.
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    good moisturizing body lotion or cream

    Aqueous Cream
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    Did Slumdog deserve best picture??

    Vee, you put it in a nut shell. Shoestring budget, feelgood, warmth and enjoyable viewing. Foreign films can open eyes via a story line. UK film industry does not have the big bucks of Hollywood.
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    anyone have a savings acct at ING Direct?

    Do the research. Its a foreign that has many branches in many countries. Check what the compensation cover is if it goesunder. Maynot be equal to USA cover.
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    Diet Pills

    Labrador Syndrome made me wake up as to what I was ramming down my throat. Its usually wrapped with underlying emotional issues that also have to be addressed by yourself. Diet pills will only mask the issue. So what is trigger? No point doing the pity party. I have had A GUZZLE and its up...
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    stayed on wagon - how'd you do it?

    I suffer from Labrador syndrome. If you have this type of dog you will understand. Observe the dog, see how it reacts to smell, drools and salivates. Observe myself.... then enforce self CONTROL. It well and truly works for this ADDICT.
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    I usually dip into the Hardcore Ladies. Fitness Freak EXCELLENT. Another lady, WD is worth reading. She mixes and matches different tapes. Opens up new possibilities I'd never thought off.
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    Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

    $5.3 billion spent on the election. $530 billion spent on the military each year +. More than China and India combined. The truth has not been told to the citizens. Goverment does not fear the citizen. Corperate medical health care profits have went through the roof. Alot the nation is...
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    Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

    Barach H Obama, Captain of the USS USA. You have led the country where it has not gone before. Hopefully you will be able to deliver but the nation MAY expect too much from you. Live long and prosper.
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    I need opinions, very torn right now...

    Tell her to go jump in the lake. As she is treating you as if you were still a child. Also at times the child has to change the dynamics of a relationship with the parent. Hubby is bed mate so he comes first. If Mother is petty well she still has some growing up to do. Jealous emotions may...
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    Anyone living in Europe?
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    Who's pre-ordering Tracey's new yoga DVD?

    Applied code but the web site then would not except the expiry date of my card. It went for e.g. 11/1 but would not allow input of final number.
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    do the right thing

    All politicans the world wide PROMISE the earth, sun AND THE MOON. What the nations get are debt, coruption and wars. Please don't stand on your soap box, rattle your cage and proclaim who one should vote for.