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  1. T

    OK 'fess up, who's caught royal wedding fever?

    I think the difference is that the USA news bulletins concreate on it for the majority of the duration of the programme. BBC etc. only give you a snippet at the end of the bulletin. I pity the public if this is the preception I have gained. Interesting coverage..As they state only in America.
  2. T

    OK 'fess up, who's caught royal wedding fever?

    Your side of the pond have had it rammed down your throats for weeks. Fox, NBC, CNN on satelite have gone over board with coverage. Its interesting to view the cultural differences in reporting. The BBC have had little snippets on the news at the end on how the USA has reported. In the UK...
  3. T

    Anyone from Norway??

    EXPENSIVE. Outside EEC and cold.......
  4. T

    Anyone have a dyson?

    7yrs old. keep filter cleaned regurarly to maintain full suction.
  5. T

    Rant and *spoiler* for Dancing With the Stars

    Ex=politican Ann Widdicome in the UK version is a pantomine act. Can't dance and rips into the judges. The underdogs viewed as someone who tries. Both versions are voting off better dancers and leving the underdog at present. As Len states it is an entertainment show. Saw a glimpse of Sarah...
  6. T


    Untill its idiot proof, stright forward where no extra programmes are required I am remaining dvd.
  7. T

    Are you voting today?

    As a foreigner observing this midterm from over seas what comes over is the sheer deriision in the television campaigns. Tv advertising is not permitted in many countires and I can see why. It leaves one questioning the maturity of several candiates. The amount of money that has been used is...
  8. T

    Oh boy- explaining the English language!!

    plow-plough labor-labour program-programme Usa English very different to Uk Engish.
  9. T

    If you think your life sucks, think again

    Interesting posting. Bottom line is that if is not in the USA it won't get reported. Usa media reporting organisations do not cover world news like other agencies do.
  10. T

    Injured shoulder

    Have had Tendonitis in my right arm. Be careful. I did not lift weights for 6 months and then did only basic Firm weights at their weights for the next few weeks. Right elbow ain't in love with pressups or to much tricep work but I can lift at previous weights and only every second day. In...
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    For those who practice yoga

    Vee, bang on with the advice.
  12. T

    Dental implants? Any dentists?

    Getting the tooth out was worse than the implant. Implant will take three months to knit to the jaw before the crown can be attached. Double injection to the palette and gum. Injection was worse. I shut my eyes and let them get on with it as I am not a lover of a dentist. Blood pressure was...
  13. T

    Getting turned off

    Love reading Cathe squabbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 4/12

    Don't mean to but into this forum. Very nicely thought out 2010 Summer Rotation. Another hit with me.
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    Does Anyone Have a Word They Can Share?

    Deal with your own freustration towards your life. Your inner anger and start to love yourself more. You are not happy and negative to those around you. Don't beat up on the job. Sometimes the hardest lessons in life are the emotional ones which can come as a revealing to yourself if you...
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    Long live the BBC.
  17. T

    Michael Pollan: Big Food vs Big Insurance

    Food equates to petrol + $$$$$$$$$$$ Long and the short of it all is PROFIT.
  18. T

    Amy Bento

    If you think Amy is complex try Patrick Gooudeau!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cathe is easy. Amy provides a tutorial. If you need time to learn a routine take it. It does not come easy to me and have to work at it.
  19. T

    Comfortable In Your Skin

    Meow. Are you sharpening the claws?