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  1. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-22

    RE: Today Sounds like you are really stepping things up, Jerry...I love it. Keith
  2. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge - 4-21

    RE: Weight Worksheets Ben - those worksheets are killer. thanks for posting the link Keith
  3. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-22

    RE: DONE!! Knocked out all the interval blasts Great work today, guys...way to push it to the next level. Keith
  4. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-22

    Good morning my brothers - C90x is all C today. I'm getting an early start with IMAX II blast mania...and I'm gonna do it TWICE!! So...I see there are a lot of April-May b-days here...rock on - I'll be 41 in a couple of weeks...long live the bull. And thanks to all the women posters...
  5. m keith

    Any men out there

    RE: This is so awesome!!!! Hey Cathe - thanks for joining in. Coni and I had a great time at your gym and are looking forward to the road trip this year!! This thread is really becoming quite the motivator. Now that I know you are checking in on us...I'll be working that much harder!! (and I...
  6. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge - 4-21

    RE:Alteration C90X rocks today!! So...I did P90X+ upper and Cathe's ab hits 1,2,3,4 & 6 (that's 47 minutes of abs/core). WOOF!!! I thinking some major soreness tomorrow. Its great to see you all here - and happy Birthday, Chris. See you all tomorrow! Keith
  7. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge - 4-21

    Good morning gents... Today's episode of C90x features P90x+ upper upper body + followed by 45 minutes of Cathe's ab hits...grrrrr. I'll let you know how it goes! Keith
  8. m keith

    "any guys out there?" check in challenge

    RE: 5K run You got it brother - at keep at that 5K...your time will improve quickly. See you all tomorrow! Keith
  9. m keith

    "any guys out there?" check in challenge

    RE: RE Allen - butts and guts...that one kills me - so of course, I will be putting it in my rotation next week - thanks for the reminder. Too bad about the road trip this year - next year for sure. Ben - the doubles rotation is totally worth getting up early. I like to split the workouts up...
  10. m keith

    Any men out there

    AHA!! You'll be a Catheite before you know it - welcome to the dark side. I'll see you on the guy challenge!! Keith
  11. m keith

    "any guys out there?" check in challenge

    RE: Love a challenge Great start guys - let's keep it rolling. Allen - have you ever tried using exercise bands? They come in handy when traveling. Oh...and in my rotation - I said I did a 3K run...I meant to say 5K - come on now!!:-) Keith
  12. m keith

    Any men out there

    All right then - I have started a thread in the check in and challenges forum It's called "any guys out there" challenge thread - I'll see you all there Keith
  13. m keith

    "any guys out there?" check in challenge

    All right guys - as promised (and inspired by Allen's thread) here is my rotation for the week. Now - let's get busy...STS is on the way - we'll crush it when it's ready, but in the meantime... Here's my week - I'm calling it the C90X rotation - Sun - 4-20: 3K interval run and Cathe's...
  14. m keith

    Any men out there

    Very well then - I'll start the "any men out there?" check in/accountability challenge over in the check ins and challenges forum. It will be up later this afternoon and I will post a link. I'm starting a new hybrid doubles rotation today that will include Cathe workouts, interval runs, and...
  15. m keith

    Any men out there

    How about ..."the dude thread" or "any men out there?" thread. Heck...whatever will do just fine - the point is, we can kick each other in the pants...every freakin' day. I added a picture trail just for laughs. I hope it works...I'm new at this. Peace my brothers Keith
  16. m keith

    Any men out there

    >Keith, >Dude, I am so game for that!!!! What are our next steps? >This format of "forumming" is new to me, but I am committed >enough to get it going and keep it going. I need to pull all >the Cathe's that I have and rotate them until the STS comes. >I travel a lot so I will have to...
  17. m keith

    Any men out there

    Hey Allen and all my other brothers out there! Oh yes...I can't wait for STS. I've been using Cathe programs for over a year now and they are an essential part of my workout regimen...I'm in better shape now at 40 than I have been in my whole life - Cathe's a big part of that. My favs...slow...
  18. m keith

    What's your favorite Stephen King book?

    Hands down...The Shining...with The Stand as a close second. Peace all, Keith
  19. m keith

    How old are you?

    Greetings all. I'm 40 and feeling just a little creaky this morning (but not enough to slow me down). Keith
  20. m keith

    P90X+ clips are here.......

    WOW - I am totally featuring the "L" chin-ups. One more reason to look forward to Christmas!! Thanks for posting the links. Keith