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  1. m keith

    GWT--where is everyone?

    Hi Lisa - A pleasure meeting you - I studied West Africa as an outside field (with Joe Miller...a real task master) and I taught a section on W. Africa and the African Diaspora for a year. Not my area of expertise...but fascinating nonetheless. I have borrowed some of the ideas posited by...
  2. m keith

    GWT--where is everyone?

    Gone With the Wind...hmmm interesting book - I have read it many times. I thought I might ask a question, though. Before I do, I have to let you know that I am a historian at UVA, and I write/teach Civil War and Reconstruction these kind of questions always come up. I admit that...
  3. m keith

    Can you recommend which Cardio Coach to get? :)

    I'm with you one this one - Press Play is the best. inspiring, motivating...and challenging. Of course, I like all of the CC workouts. This one just lifts my spirits up a little more. Keith
  4. m keith


    I actually watched this late last night...and I think I got a bunch of the plyo moves mixed up in my very tired head. Either way, Cathe's leg workouts kill me - I did the leg blast premix on Butts and Guts last week and I was walking funny for three days (oy). This STS could really do me in (in...
  5. m keith


    ooops! My mistake - it wasn't weighted. Still, it looks pretty intense. I am feeling the soreness in my legs already. This one is going to be worth the wait. Later, Keith
  6. m keith


    Yep they go airborne and everything - I'll check again, but I am pretty sure it was weighted. K
  7. m keith


    Oh my...I just watched the clip and I am...well...a little scared. My two personal favorites: The weighted plyo lunge, and the leg drill with the balancing plate (watch the clip and you will see what I mean). Oy. Keith
  8. m keith

    jeans & pants for petite frames

    I'm here for you lala - fire away hey - does anyone want to talk accessories? I love accessories. I have always been of the philosophy that less is more...discuss :) Keith
  9. m keith

    jeans & pants for petite frames

    Those are the ones - but I would be careful about ordering vintage jeans online. Since they are used, they have stretched and shaped on the people who used to wear them - they might have been perfect for them but might not work for you at all! Finding the perfect pair of vintage jeans in an art...
  10. m keith

    jeans & pants for petite frames

    This works very well and gives you a professional, finished look. The only thing, just make sure to cut away the extra fabric left over on the inside - otherwise you will get an ugly fade mark. Later all, Keith
  11. m keith

    jeans & pants for petite frames

    Honestly, I am a little on the fence about Katie's PRPS look. I get it, and she pulls it off - especially when she throws it together with the right accessories - i.e. vintage belt and buckle. One the other hand, for her at least - while village slumming it chic, they are not terribly...
  12. m keith

    jeans & pants for petite frames

    HAHAHA - "inflate to a different shape" I love it. The problem is - all jeans will stretch out some, especially around the knees areas. I have had the best luck with stretch jeans that are at least 90% cotton. Try this: When you put them in the dryer after washing, take them...
  13. m keith

    jeans & pants for petite frames

    Hey all - I ran the denim department at Fred Segal in LA for years selling jeans to the rich and famous. Let's see what I can do here. I have some good ideas - but it depends your budget. For the higher end stuff, your frame would be best suited for a low rise boot cut, perhaps something with a...
  14. m keith

    100 Greatest Singers of All Time

    So was I. He really made a difference in the way I looked at the world. A selfless and truly inspired individual. I even had the pleasure of briefly meeting him once. If you haven't seen it already - there is a great documentary out about him - The Future is Unwritten. Keith
  15. m keith

    My DH needs a fitness program

    My pleasure, Ellie - just let me know how I can help! And thanks for the props :) Keith
  16. m keith

    100 Greatest Singers of All Time

    She used to sing lead for a band called the Sugar Cubes about a million years ago, and has since gone on to a prolific solo career (and maybe a little off the deep end in terms of dubious fashion choices). If you ever come across an album where she sings standards in (I believe) her native...
  17. m keith

    My DH needs a fitness program

    Hi - so here's a guys two cents. I think P90X rules. I did it - twice... and then moved on to p90X+. Since starting the program, went from 230 lbs to 175; from 28% body fat to 10%. The results speak for themselves. You can check out my story here: If you like...
  18. m keith or

    Hey everybody - Keith here...once upon a time, I posted pretty much everyday on the "any guys out there" challenge. Well, the challenge died, but I didn't . To answer the question...I'm cool with the Freak. She's got the goods. Catch ya'll later - and if no one objects, I might join in on these...
  19. m keith

    Not judging, just curious

    Your ignorance is exceeded only by your bigoted sense of self-righteousness. Perhaps know-nothing “moral” crusaders haven’t yet realized that you are on the losing side of history. One day, when we as Americans reflect on these times, we will take note that some of us stood up for the rights of...
  20. m keith

    For Tony Horton fans in Dallas

    My wife, Coni will be there - we'll fill you in for sure. Keith