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  1. W

    Xers........Wide awake......TGIF

    Because I am in a rebellious mood today Traci X, no workout for me since you decided to lay it on a little thick todayx( . I guess I will have to pay double tomorrow. Lea
  2. W

    Xers........Wide awake......TGIF

    UGH!!! Traci X, your killing me. No wonder your client (hopefully not the pig) couldn't hook her bra this morning. Actually, I am very proud that our Traci is a fantastic personal trainer. Oh and BTW, Laurie and I are planning on coming over to your house and doing some cleaning. So when you...
  3. W

    Xers........Wide awake......TGIF

    Good morning. Boy you all are chatty this morning. What a great thing to wake up to. Couldn't get my butt out of bed to work out, so will have to do it later when the temp here reaches 110. YUCK!! I am doing Gym Style Legs today. And maybe some abs. Sandra X - I should have warned you about...
  4. W

    Xer Thursday~ (AKA: Sleep Deprived Catheites!)

    Hi everyone. Back to finish off those personals. Traci X- stain on the Xer shirt all ready? My my my. What am I going to do with you? As I sit here and read your posts, every time I see the guinea pig client, my eyes happen to always miss the guinea part and so I am sitting here thinking that...
  5. W

    Xer Thursday~ (AKA: Sleep Deprived Catheites!)

    Good morning girls. How are you doing today? I did Sean Corne's Vinyasa Flow Yoga and man am I feeling it after not doing yoga for what seems like years. But it is so good to get back to it. Not too much time for personal right now, but I will try my best without ignoring the kids too much:P...
  6. W

    Xers......Celebration Wednesday....An old friend is back!

    RE: Xers......Celebration Wednesday....An old friend is... Hi everyone. No time for personals right now, even though I would love to catch up with each and every one of you. Just wanted to say that I have done my Gym Style Chest and Tri's and Slow and heavy Abs. I am taking a little break from...
  7. W

    Xers.....Tuesday....Another Tuesday.....

    Miss Sandra X - you better believe it baby. I am raw. So I dig in the ground and eat my food. Just kidding. I make almond milk at home and put raw cacao nibs and powder in it with banana, agave nectar, maca powder(that kind of smells), goji berries, cinammon,etc. for breakfast. Usually eat a...
  8. W

    Xers.....Tuesday....Another Tuesday.....

    Hi Y'all!!!! I was going to wait until tomorrow to respond to all of your sweet hello's and welcome backs, but I just couldn't. THANK YOU everyone. Let's see. I went on my one week trip to the retreat months ago and it has changed my life. I am now a raw foodist and am inspired to learn how...
  9. W

    Xers.....Tuesday....Another Tuesday.....

    Well hello there girls!!! My ears, they have been burning, so I looked up and saw that Miss Sandra X has been trying to delegate something. Bring it on. I love me my projects}( . But seriously, I wanted to say hello to all of you. I have missed you guys very much! Life has been very very good...
  10. W

    Xers- ~ "We're Thrilled its Thursday!"

    RE: Xers- ~ Hi there ladies!! Just thought I would crawl out of my hole to get some sunlight and see how all of you wonderful gals are doing!!! You all sound terrific from what I have skimmed. I am glad that most of you have gotten your shirts yay!!! Thank you for posting the blog...
  11. W

    Xers.................Terrific Tuesday!!!!!

    Hi guys. I just wanted to let you know that obviously I haven't been posting as much on the boards. Life has been taking place in a big way and I need to concentrate on that. I will miss you, but I think that I need to drop out for a little while until my life slows down a bit. Thank you all...
  12. W

    Xers .........................Monday

    Hey gang. I just wanted to let you know that I ordered the shirts this weekend. I expect them in about one to two weeks and then I can ship them to you. Thank you for being so patient. Lea
  13. W

    Xers__________Saturday! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    I just wanted you guys to know that I am going to order the shirts today. So hopefully you will have them very soon. Lea
  14. W

    Xers ~~~ Wednesday ~~~

    Good morning everyone. Fabulous morning ain't it;-) ? I totally(yeah, that's right, I'm from l.a.) subbed all of the BodyMax 2 cardio for plyo yesterday and my legs are feeling it. YOWZA!! Today is ARX and shoulders and arms. Yippee. Jeanette, Debra, and Traci, I received your money, so thank...
  15. W

    Xers ~~~ Tuesday ~~~

    Good morning gals!! Last night I did ARX and Chest and Back. UGH! Today is suppose to be plyoX but to be honest, I will probably sub a Cathe cardio for it. Who knows, maybe by the end of the day, I will want to do Plyo. Sounds as if everyone is busy busy. I know I am so sucking on the...
  16. W

    Xers **magical monday**

  17. W

    Xers **magical monday**

    Good morning everyone!! Happy Monday to all. No yoga for me yesterday. I decided to stay outside with my boys and enjoy watching them play, which was a good thing, because I finally got to meet and talk to two of my neighbors and the gals want to go on walks in the evenings. YAY!! Girl power;-)...
  18. W

    Xers - ~~Sunday~~

    Debra X - I always seem to forget you in posts lately. I truly appologize for that. LOL on the beans. I just found Amy's refried beans, they are expensive, but oh so yummy. Why don't you turn off that darn phone when you sleep. If your DH really needs to talk to you, then he can get up in the...
  19. W

    Xers - ~~Sunday~~

    Good Sunday morning to all. Today, I am suppose to do yoga(or did I all ready say that?), but you know what, I just might be a bad girl and blow it off today. Bad Lea, Bad Lea. We will see. Maybe I will change my mind later on....Maybe. Traci X - So glad that you are enjoying the magazines...
  20. W

    Xers - ~~Sunday~~

    Morning gals. All I have to say is I have to go make some and I will be back and try to catch up with all of you gabbers. (Can you tell that I am trying to put off yoga as much as possible). Maybe it is time to start buying some subs. Do you think Bryan Kest is a good one for the...