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  1. L

    Amy's kickbos Surge

    ...Where can I preview kickbox surge? I went on NRG and no such thing...although maybe it's good that I don't see it cause I will want it!!!! Aggie
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    premixes BM2 & DM

    Hey everyone, hope you can help me out, I just wanted to know if any of can tell me more about the premixes on BM2 and DM...are the ones that say cardio, are they cardio only etc. Thanks for any input, Aggie
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    Shaun T. INSANITY...Dripping in Sweat

    ...About the cost, I heard from Jess who told me that her guess was somewhere around the $120 mark like P9OX and CLX (they are all 90 day workouts) but she was not entirely never ends, there is always a workout around the corner we all want!!! Aggie
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    KPC or Kickmax?

    I take it from research that KPC is preferred but I don't have either and would like to get one....something to replace Kenpo X, just not doing it for me, not getting the heart rate up, so which should I get, my only thing holding me back from KPC is I don't really want the legs and abs that...
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    change up p90x?

    Hi everyone, just wondering from any p90x grads out there....I'm just about to start my last week before recovery week of phase's taken me quite awhile as I had to keep stopping for different reasons. I love the program but I am getting a liitle bored, the yoga has a bit of a dread...
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    Hi guys, I'm freaking out...have an ant problem...yuk!!! Anyone have experience with this and have any what point do I call an exterminator? We noticed them a few days ago, put down some traps and we think we know where they are coming from, sprayed vinegar there (read that...
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    Let's talk Green Tea

    I like plain green tea but one that is very nice is Starbucks tazo Zen, it's green tea with spearmint and lemongrass, it's pretty good. go to Starbuck's and try one and if you like it you can buy a box cheaper at the grocery store. Good luck, Aggie
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    American Idol (not a spoiler!)

    I loved the show, the best by far for AI finale, lots of singers and great seeing idols sing with them.
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    American Idol "congratulations to Kris"

    I would have also liked Adam to win but he will do very well regardless....but on the finale show itself...wasn't it amazing!!!!! The best by far, so glad I decided to watch instead of record the last half hour. What a great oppurtunity for ALL the idols to be able to perform with all those...
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    getting back on track-opinions

    Thanks everyone for all your input...I really appreciate it, 2 days back on the wagon so far and feeling good, I will play around with things to see what works for me...wish me luck!!! Aggie
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    getting back on track-opinions

    Hi all, I'll try to be short and sweet...I took a workout/diet hiatus for whatever reasons and I really have to get my but in gear...none of my summer clothes fit, like really tight...I'm totally mortified!!!! Anyways, I had done phase 1 of p90x had to stop and then did it again, I'm...
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    Do you use Bounce? Check this out!

    Great ideas...have a question though, do you think the bounce sheets have to be the scented ones....I assume to deodorize they should be scented but what about repelling bugs?
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    mouse during workout!!!

    I'm on the treadmill this am in my basement...running along when I see in the distance a mouse run across the room and then about 30 sec later run back...I freaked...ran up to get my DH still sleeping, he came down and mouse was gone, checked everywhere could not see him. My DH stayed a bit so...
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    p90x doubles, lean or classic

    Thanks for all the input....looks like I will do classic and throw in a couple of runs here and there when I can. Aggie
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    p90x doubles, lean or classic

    I would love everyone's input on which one gives the best results. I have done phase 1 of p90x a while back classic with about 30 min cardio 3x/wk from the beginning with good results but stopped because of many reasons. I am ready to start back from beginning of phase 1 but neeeeeed results...
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    bunions anyone?

    thanks for your inputs...tell me something, do you guys still workout during a flare up even though you may aggrevate things...I'm almost willing to suffer...I'm feeling like crap...workout withdrawl and FATTT!!! Aggie
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    bunions anyone?

    Hoping someone could help.... After taking an overlong hiatus from working out etc, I moved and from just only recently setting up my home gym again and out for exhaustion, laziness and getting accustomed to my new routine I was ready to totally committ Monday am with the X. Problem is my...
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    The Bachelor Finale!

    ...and how come both Melissa and Molly didn't pitch a fit that he was doing that on t.v.? He seems kinda slimey now...I'm begining to wonder if this wasn't somehow choregraphed in some way. For Pete's sake he has a little boy to consider, noone said he had to propose at the end and now he...
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    The Bachelor Finale!

    ...I don't get it...I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!! Tell me why he would have to do this on national television.... Aggie
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    Anyone have any healthy egg salad ideas?

    Instead of mayo, I put a little non fat cottage cheese and sometimes I add in a bit of's really good! Aggie